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Articulation Agreements Assumption University has developed agreements with universities that enable Assumption students to receive undergraduate course credits and/or go on to highly regarded graduate programs. These agreements offer our students numerous opportunities for guaranteed admission and/or accelerated degrees or intensive study. Please scroll down for more information on several of the academic partnerships for Assumption students.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
Investing in your future by pursuing an MBA is a smart choice. At Assumption, we have designed accelerated MBA programs with three tracks (Management, Healthcare Management, and CPA) to enable students to save time and money on their graduate degree. Seamlessly transition from your undergraduate program into your full-time graduate program, while you are still in the academic mindset. Fourteen months later, be ready to enter the workforce a strong candidate with real-world experience under your belt.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , M.B.A.Rehabilitation counselors empower individuals with disabilities to achieve their life goals by assisting them to identify their strengths, build on their assets, enhance their abilities, and effectively adapt to the environments in which they function. Complete your BA and MA in only five years with this accelerated program as your are prepared to begin transforming the lives of others sooner.
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B.A. , M.A.Acquire the skills necessary for employment in accounting and the knowledge to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exams. Your studies will be complemented by coursework in the liberal arts and such topics as business law, management, and marketing.
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B.A. , M.B.A.Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the application of principles of learning and behavior used to solve socially significant problems (to influence changes in behavior that are meaningful to individuals and those around them). The Minor in ABA provides an introduction to behavior-analytic theory and methods for assessment and intervention; it complements coursework in the Education, Health and Human Services, and Psychology majors.
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Dual Degree students will benefit from: (1) Participating in a peer mentoring program with ABA graduate students that will begin in the sophomore year, (2) Being part of a cohort that gets together for events each year (such as meet-and-greet, end of year lunch, etc.), (3) Being assigned the ABA program director as your undergraduate faculty advisor, and (4) Having opportunities to sit in on a graduate class and meet with ABA graduate students.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , M.A.When you study art history you will learn to understand and enjoy works of art, and to reflect on their relationship to the societies that produce them. You will pursue your studies in the context of a broad-based liberal arts education that develops your critical thinking and communication skills. A minor in Art History provides students with a lively introduction to the discipline that can be applied in a variety of professional positions from museum work to publishing to landscape architecture.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
Does the idea of unlocking every student’s potential for learning excite you? Are you passionate about advocating for students with special needs and creating a supportive classroom environment where all children can thrive? The Master of Arts program prepares students for a career as a teacher of students with mild to moderate disabilities, starting with the Massachusetts Initial and Professional Licensure exam for Teacher of Students with mild to moderate disabilities (Pre-K-8; 5-12).
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , M.A.Biology is the study of life. Whether you want to use your biology degree to study viruses or ecosystems, you gain extensive hands-on laboratory experience. You will have strong support from and easy access to innovative science facilities and faculty, who make classroom-based concepts meaningful and help develop your technical research skills.
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B.A. , B.S.Biotechnology uses genetics, biochemistry, cellular biology and other sciences to study living systems. As a biotechnology major, dedicated faculty will encourage you to acquire a balanced foundation in biology, as well as an introduction to the theory and methods of biotechnology and molecular biology. Massachusetts has become home to a high population of industry-leading biotech companies, many of whom you may have the opportunity to work with as a student or as a professional.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.S.Chemistry studies the structure and fundamental principles of matter. At Assumption, students who declare a chemistry major learn about organic, inorganic, physical, analytical chemistry and biochemistry and gain an understanding of the ways in which they interact. While studying chemistry, you will gain extensive laboratory experience and develop a high degree of proficiency in the practical aspects of experimentation, instrumentation, and discovery.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.The Clinical Counseling Psychology program is designed to prepare graduates to meet the educational requirements for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor in Massachusetts and most other states. As a student in the program, you will have the opportunity to learn from psychologists, mental health counselors, and social workers who have vast experience with a wide range of clinical populations and community agencies.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , M.A.Communications majors once felt limited to creative writing, journalism, publishing, and public relations, which continue to provide jobs today. But now, virtually all non-profits, political groups, large corporations, small businesses, sports teams, government agencies, and many others need to put across their messages using more than one form of media. Learning how to master the arts of critical thinking, writing, production, and the use of emerging technologies as an Assumption Communication and Media major will prepare you to be an effective and successful communicator no matter how the world changes.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.For students interested in pursuing graduate studies in the fields of speech-language pathology or audiology, the department of Health and Human Services offers a concentration in communication sciences and disorders. In accordance with American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) standards, the program builds on Assumption’s strong liberal arts foundation with courses specifically focused on human communication, social and behavioral sciences, mathematics, as well as biological and physical sciences.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
Through CSL classes, students experience a unique opportunity to participate in and learn about the complexity of the social, economic, political, and cultural world and to think in original ways about the substantive problems in society. CSL courses are offered in a variety of disciplines and integrate course materials with experiential learning in a community setting as students seek to gain a greater understanding of societal issues.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
Computer science majors and minors develop their programming skills, knowledge of computer hardware and software, and an appreciation for the social and ethical implications of technology. Assumption’s engaging professors and challenging curriculum provide students with a number of opportunities to explore this rapidly evolving field.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The Core Texts & Enduring Questions Program (CTEQ) is a unique program at Assumption University. Specifically designed for those students seeking an intense and integrated liberal arts education as they simultaneously pursue a specialized major, the CTEQ minor brings faculty and students together to study great works of human thought not simply to learn something about them and their authors, but, more importantly, to learn something vital and enduring about ourselves as human beings.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
Major in criminology at Assumption and you'll gain a broad and deep understanding of why some acts are against the law and others are not, why people commit crime, how crime impacts victims and society, and how the criminal justice system operates —from the time of arrest by the police, through formal processing by the courts, and extending to sanctioning (incarceration and supervision) and reentry. The criminology degree at Assumption emphasizes personal, hands-on experience and independent research.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The Assumption University Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity offers a technology-based education, using methods in computing and information science, engineering, social science and technology management that also foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital information economy. The faculty, drawn from different areas of expertise in cybersecurity, will engage students in finding solutions to emerging global cyber threats.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.S.At Assumption, the pathways offered through the study of economics are as diverse as the interests of the students we serve.The Economics major is flexible and easily combined with minors from other fields so that coursework can be tailored to individual interests.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.When you major in education at Assumption, you will develop deep content knowledge and diverse pedagogical skills, as well gain valuable hands-on experience in the classroom. Graduates from our program earn a double major and a Massachusetts Initial Teaching License.Your coursework, fieldwork, and student teaching are designed to prepare you for success in your own classroom.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Students who choose to be an engineering major can pursue a dual degree through partnership agreements with both the University of Notre Dame and Washington University in St. Louis. The science and mathematics courses lay the foundations for you to continue your studies in engineering and have a meaningful career in the field.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.A bachelor's degree in English at Assumption University will challenge you to address profound and enduring questions about what it means to be human. Choose to focus on literature or communication and media, or double-major in English and education.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.This program provides you a broad foundation in the fundamentals of environmental science, including biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Students who pursue an Environmental Science degree choose a specialization that enhances their understanding of resource conservation, environmental policy, and the effect of toxic materials on ecosystems.
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B.S.The finance program provides you with a better understanding of how economics works as well as the acumen you’ll need to set yourself apart as a job candidate or to further your studies in graduate school.
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B.A.The forensic accounting and fraud examination courses are complemented by instruction in business ethics, cybersecurity, criminology, corporate governance, and data security. With an educational foundation steeped in the liberal arts and a business program committed to forming socially responsible and ethical graduates, students will be well-prepared to work in an array of diverse fields, including assessing strategic risk for organizations like the FBI and the Big 4 public accounting firms.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Assumption’s Graphic Design program stands out for its commitment to the artistic dimension of design. Our faculty are practicing artists as well as experienced designers, so they bring their creative passion into the classroom; and our graduates don’t just get jobs – they find fulfilment in their work. Students in the Graphic Design program work in our state-of-the-art Mac labs and emerge with all the technical skills they need to thrive as professionals, but they also study design within the context of a broad-based liberal arts education.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Assumption has established numerous agreements with programs in the health professions to provide a smooth transition from your undergraduate degree to entering the graduate school of your choice. In addition, we offer you many valuable opportunities to obtain hands-on experience in the life sciences industry of Worcester, Massachusetts. There also are faculty-student research opportunities right on campus. Academic rigor and practical experience provide Assumption students with noteworthy achievements for their graduate school applications.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.Assumption’s outstanding science programs and strong liberal arts curriculum prepare you for the rigors of graduate school. You also will develop the observation, analysis, and communication skills, and personal moral compass you’ll need for professional success. Our highly credentialed professors work closely with you to plan your course of study. The array of science classes and laboratory credits available in our state-of-the-art Testa Science Center can fulfill the requirements for admission to the medical or professional school of your choice.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.If you study history at Assumption, you’ll be immersed in the political, social and economic trends and traditions that shaped the past—and our own lives. Through rigorous study of primary resources, spirited discussion with your classmates and our dedicated faculty and access to renowned libraries, museums and study abroad programs, your time at Assumption will prepare you for a career in a field you love—and to take your own place in history.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The Honors curriculum, which is available to students of all majors and intellectual interests, begins in the first year and culminates in a Senior Honors Thesis. Our curriculum is dedicated to providing a comprehensive, liberal education in preparation for a successful life.
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Embark on a fulfilling journey with a Human Services major. Rooted in an ethic of care and compassion and dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities, this field encompasses a diverse range of professions focused on helping others thrive.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , M.A.Engage in a variety of learning experiences designed to prepare you to function successfully in today’s global marketplace. With a combination of courses in business and the liberal arts – including history, languages, and social science – this interdisciplinary program gives you the business knowledge and cultural awareness you’ll need to work effectively in various settings with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The Italian Studies Minor offers students the opportunity to develop advanced proficiency in the Italian language and to broaden their knowledge of the art, culture, history, literature and politics of Italy. Those wishing to explore the discipline more in depth may also pursue a self-declared Italian Studies Major.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
The major in Latin American and Latino Studies is designed to respond to the increasing interest in the societies of the region and to the need to understand the complexity of their history, political and economic systems, social structures, and literary and artistic expression. Through a program that focuses on this significant region of the world, you have the opportunity to increase your familiarity with the dynamics of other societies while strengthening your awareness of cultural diversity.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
The law and the economy minor offered by Assumption University examines the intersection between the law and economics, and how one informs the other. Students study subject matter ranging from constitutional law to fiscal policy and, through this study, begin to understand the complex web of legal philosophy and economic theory that drives and sustains the modern world.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
The minor in Law, Ethics and Constitutional studies (LEX) helps students appreciate the nation’s constitutional order and its roots in the Western political and philosophical traditions. Jointly sponsored by the political science and philosophy departments, LEX engages constitutionalism, ethics, and the law through thinkers ranging from Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant to James Madison and John Marshall.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
As a management student, you’ll develop an ability to identify, analyze, and contribute to the development of organizations through an understanding of how they function. Learn how to analyze, influence, and enhance the growth and advancement of organizations by gaining an in-depth understanding of how organizations and people function. Work on team projects and develop skills to organize information and resources in order to help people accomplish common goals.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Learn to address the fast-paced dynamics of a rapidly changing marketplace with creativity and insight. Our marketing program combines courses in advertising, research, consumer behavior, and public relations so that you’ll understand every aspect of the field, from branding and positioning to promotion and distribution.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Marketing is rapidly transitioning towards the digital world and adopting digital tools. With the rise of smartphones, tablets, video games, and other forms of new media, organizations are rapidly changing the way they marketing products and services to consumers. The digital marketing concentration at Assumption helps students gain the knowledge necessary to succeed in a digital marketing environment.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Marketing with a concentration in sales students gain a solid basis for understanding the marketplace through core courses in marketing research, consumer behavior, and strategic marketing, and focus in-depth in the world of sales through courses in Professional Selling, Sales Management, Digital Sales, and B2B Sales.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Assumption University’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science provides a strong foundation for students looking to enter a variety of professional fields and study at the graduate level. Develop your critical thinking and learn to solve problems, skills that are in high demand in today’s job market.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Assumption believes that the study of music enhances all areas of a liberal arts education. Feed your intellectual desire to learn more and fulfill your passion to perform. Deepen your knowledge of Western and non-Western music from ancient to modern times and apply principles that lead to an intellectual grasp of the music and your ability to perform.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Study the least-understood organ in the human body: the brain. Learn how the brain develops, how it drives our ability to learn, and how abnormalities in brain development result in disorders. Neuroscience strives to unlock the mysteries of the mind, brain, and nervous system function. The field uses multidisciplinary approaches to answer some of the most perplexing and intriguing questions facing humanity.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.A contemporary nursing curriculum built on a strong foundation of the liberal arts and sciences prepares the nursing student to be a leader and provider of high-quality compassionate patient-centered care.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.S.N.The Post-Bachelor’s Accelerated Nursing Track utilizes an innovative hybrid delivery model – allowing flexibility for adult learners who have already earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.S.N.Strong written and verbal communication skills are universally valued in corporate, nonprofit, government and entrepreneurial organizations. As an organizational communication major at Assumption, you’ll study the patterns, systems and networks of communication within an organization and develop effective communication skills.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The concentration in Patient Advocacy is designed to prepare students with the foundational knowledge for non-clinical graduate study in health care as well as entry-level roles in the field of health advocacy and patient navigation. The concentration is also designed to advance students’ knowledge and understanding of health and human services, health care management, health psychology, and sociology, in the context of the health care environment working with, and for, patients.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
At Assumption University, students are introduced to philosophical thinking in dialogue with the primary works of the great philosophical authors. In the best cases, philosophy becomes a habit of thinking and, ultimately, a way of life. Students studying Philosophy at Assumption will ask fundamental questions of human existence with an eye toward discerning the truth.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.If you love science, Assumption University offers you state-of-the-art laboratories, cutting-edge undergraduate research opportunities, and faculty who will help you excel. Develop an understanding of the fundamental laws that govern matter, energy and motion and use them to build a better world. Physics governs how our universe works, from the paths of the tiniest drops of water to the movements of planets and stars.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
The Department of Political Science aims to develop in students a capacity to address rationally the political issues that are among the most enduring and which have animated communities throughout political history. As preparation for vocations in government service, the law, journalism, business, and teaching, the study of politics offers an education befitting a free human being. A degree in Political Science thus stands at the heart of a genuinely liberal education.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Pursue an accelerated cybersecurity degree and become a professional and leader who is armed with the necessary knowledge and technical ability to prevent, detect, respond, and recover from cybersecurity attacks.
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The major in Pre‐Clinical Health Science is designed to prepare students for graduate study in one of the many clinical health professions, such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physician assistant, and optometry. This interdisciplinary major provides the student with a strong background in the biological and physical sciences and the health sciences.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.S.The Pre-Clinical Health Science major is the first step to pursing a career in the field of dentistry. Assumption offers students the knowledge necessary for entrance to and success in medical and/or dental school.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.Assumption's pre-law program prepares students interested in law school to meet the many intellectual and ethical challenges of the legal profession, the pre-law program combines the school’s commitment to a strong liberal arts education with the personalized advising, co-curricular activities, and development opportunities necessary for success in law school. Faculty and pre-law advisors will work with you to arrange meetings for you with Assumption alumni in the legal profession, connect you with valuable legal internships, and aid you in your preparation for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
The Pre-Clinical Health Science major is the first step to pursing a career in the field of medicine. The array of science courses and laboratory credits available in our state-of-the-art Testa Science Center can fulfill the requirements for admission to the medical or professional school of your choice and internship opportunities with Worcester's many life science organizations will prepare you for your career.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.The concentration in pre-occupational therapy prepares you for graduate study in the field. Fieldwork and classroom learning build a foundation of knowledge necessary for students to pursue a career helping people achieve independence, meaning and satisfaction in their lives or restoring independence after an injury, illness, disability or psychological dysfunction.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
The concentration in physical therapy prepares you for graduate study in the field. Fieldwork and classroom learning build a foundation of knowledge necessary for students to pursue a career helping people achieve independence, meaning and satisfaction in their lives or restoring independence after an injury, illness, disability or psychological dysfunction.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
The Pre-Clinical Health Science major is the first step to pursing a career in the field of veterinary medicine.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , B.S.Assumption's Psychology program prepares students for various career paths from community agencies and clinics to public service. It also prepares students for graduate studies and beyond. Students come out of the program with strong communication skills, an understanding of human behavior, problem-solving skills, and the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret data and information.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The minor in Racial and Ethnic Studies uses interdisciplinary and comparative frameworks to understand the underlying social, cultural, and historical circumstances that impact the formation of racial and ethnic categories. As the United States becomes more racially and ethnically diverse the minor in Racial & Ethnic Studies pairs well with other majors and minors across Assumption, as employers in a wide range of fields appreciate graduates who understand these changes and work within increasingly diverse workforces.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
The School Counseling Program trains students for a career as a counselor where they work with children and adolescents across academic, career, and social-emotional domains. This dual degree program is designed to allow you to earn your degree faster, saving you time and money, and providing you with exciting opportunities to future your career and education.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A. , M.A.With a broad-based liberal arts foundation, the Sociology program at Assumption teaches students to understand the extent to which social structures impact our lives through the study of sociological theory, methods, and data analysis. In addition, students choose elective courses in the areas of inequality, institutions and community, social change, criminology, and deviance.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.The Spanish major is designed to contribute to your cultural and intellectual formation. You may prepare for teaching on the elementary or secondary level or for careers in social services, medical fields, law, criminology, as interpreters, translators, or representatives in business or government.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Enhanced by a partnership with the Worcester Red Sox, sport management students receive a solid grounding in marketing and management and learn how to deal with the complex professional and ethical issues they will encounter in the sports industry. Experiential learning ensures that coursework is augmented with real-world experience through internships and other opportunities.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
All studio art students at Assumption engage in hands-on creative work and acquire a foundation in art history that enables them to understand and appreciate theory and practice. Grounded in a liberal arts education, you will develop critical thinking and communication skills that you will be able to take with you wherever your career and academic pursuits lead you.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
By exposing you to ideas that expand your way of thinking and challenge you to see the world in new ways, Assumption's theology program provides valuable and distinctive dimensions to an Assumption liberal arts education. Theology is the intellectual exercise of faith seeking understanding. As an academic discipline, theology seeks to understand God and God’s relation to human beings and the world human beings inhabit. With strong analytical and communication skills and the ambition to seek truth in all things, Assumption theology students are well prepared for careers in virtually any field.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Women’s Studies is an interdisciplinary program focused on the study of women and gender. Students in this program explore important questions about gendered identities, gendered systems of discrimination, and how we may work towards gender equity and social justice.
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UndergraduateDegree Type
B.A.Through this concentration, Assumption prepares students to become practitioners that promote healthy social and emotional development and academic achievement while working with children and adolescents in schools, agencies, clinics and community settings. Students within this program gain a strong academic foundation which they use as they pursue graduate school and careers that focus on youth and family work such as counseling, social work, and education.
Level of Study
UndergraduateDegree Type