Faculty teaching in a classroom


The Registrar's Office provides accurate academic record-keeping for the university and tracks and verifies the academic status of its students.

A Helpful Community Dedicated to Your Success

The Office of the Registrar provides a number of helpful services to students such as:

  • Declaring or Changing a Major
  • Declaring a Minor
  • Declaring a Concentration
  • Changing Your Advisor
  • Verifying Enrollment
  • Cross-Registering for a Consortium Course at One of 7 Other Colleges and Universities in the Worcester Area
  • Changing Your address

(See below for links to forms and important information.)


Deirdre Comeau

Assistant to the Registrar

Mary Malone

Assistant to the Registrar

Heather Pecoraro


John Wild

Registration Records Clerk


Services Provided by the Office of the Registrar

  • To declare or change a major, complete the Declaration or Change of Major Form using the link below. Your submission will be forwarded to the appropriate department chairperson for their signature and then sent to the Registrar’s Office to be processed.

  • To declare a minor, please complete the Declaration of Minor form using the link below. The form will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office processing. If you would like to drop/remove a minor, please send an email to registrar@assumption.edu.

  • Advisor changes are currently closed. This form will reopen on Thursday, April 3.

  • Use this form to declare a stand alone concentration. See a list of available concentrations by clicking the button below.

  • Students can withdraw from a course until Friday, April 4 at 4:00 PM.

  • To register for a course at a school in the Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts (HECCMA), you must be enrolled full-time (4 courses, 12.0 credits) at your home institution. Use this form.

    Courses at cross-registration institutions offer a diverse array of courses in many academic disciplines. Please visit institutions to find available course offerings.

    Cross-Registration Standard Policies

    • Full-time, matriculated, undergraduate day students are eligible to cross-register.
    • Outstanding obligations at your home school may prevent cross-registration ability.
    • Undergraduate courses only (continuing education courses are excluded)–check with HOST school Registrar’s Office for exceptions.
    • Fall and spring semester courses only.
    • Only one cross-registration course per semester is permitted (regardless of credit).
    • Auditing is not permitted.
    • When signing-up for a course that requires pre-requisites, proof will be required upon registration (i.e. unofficial transcript).
    • Courses taken through cross-registration require no additional tuition, however, please note, if a class has LAB FEES or other SPECIAL FEES, you are required to pay such fees to the HOST institution.

    How to Register for a Cross-Registration Course

    1. Search available course offerings at above institutions.
    2. Fill-out printable cross registration form by clicking here (see form above).
    3. Obtain required signatures from home institution. (Check with your Registrar’s Office for requirements.)
    4. To complete the registration process, submit completed form with appropriate signatures via email to HOST campus.
    5. If driving, ask host school registrar’s office about how to obtain a signed consortium parking pass.

    To Drop/Withdraw from a Cross-Registered Course

    1. Students must follow the drop/withdrawal deadlines and policies of the HOST institution.
  • Download, print and complete a Change of Information form, then return to the Registrar’s Office.

  • The Parchment Transcript Service allows you to order your transcript electronically and have it sent electronically as well, if you choose. View the video tutorial below to learn about the storefront.

    How to Order a Transcript with Parchment from Parchment on Vimeo.

  • Use this form to request permission to take a class away from Assumption University.

  • Non-Assumption Students (or visiting students) should use this form for Fall, Intersession, Spring, and Summer registrations.  Assumption students register through WebAdvisor.

  • Complete and submit this form for CA certification.