Assumption students smiling at a clubs and activities fair

Get Connected, Get Involved!

Get involved and explore the diverse student organizations within the Assumption community! No matter your interest, create lifelong friendships and experiences by joining one of over 60 student organizations, or start your own!

No matter your interest, Assumption University offers something for everyone! To learn more about these clubs and organizations, please see below.

Active MindsCybersecurity ClubPeers Advocating Wellness for Students (PAWS)
After School Mentoring ClubEducation ClubPizza, Punch, Politics
ALANA NetworkGreenhoundsPsychology Club
Anime ClubHabitat for HumanityRepublican Club
Assumption Against CancerHeights YearbookResidence Hall Association (RHA)
Assumption University Book ClubHound Sound AcapellaSecond Hand Hounds
AU AlliesHuman Services and Rehabilitation Studies ClubSociety for Orphaned Armenian Relief Assumption University (SOAR)
Best Buddies AssumptionLe ProvocateurStudent Alumni Association
Black Student Union (BSU)Moot Court ClubStudent Government Association
Campus Activities BoardMUSE Literary MagazineStudent Nurses Association
Catholic Relief ServicesNational Society of Leadership and Success  (NSLS)Tabletop Gaming
Chemistry ClubNeuroscience ClubValley Girl Magazine
Commuters ConnectNSSLHA 
Clubs and Organizations: Detailed View

Active Minds
Our goal is to bring awareness, education, and support to those who suffer from mental health conditions, or know those who suffer. During our meetings, we do activities that improve mental wellness.

AUTV – Assumption University Television    
The Assumption University Television (AUTV) was created to effectively produce a number of broadcasts on cable Channel 2.3, in a manner, which is student run with the aid of the advisor. The television station provides a hands-on learning environment in the fields of television production for all students interested in work both behind and in front of the camera.

After School Mentoring
Be an example for Worcester youth! Reach out to the community through different after school mentoring organizations to engage in meaningful community service and be a role model for Worcester youth. 

ALANA is a student-run organization that plans multicultural programs and activities for students. You should join because it gives students an opportunity to explore and discover different identities and cultures in a safe space with fun people and activities.   

Anime Club
The members of the Assumption University Anime Club want to promote an interest in Anime, through community building, diversity building, and all freedoms to share their beliefs and ideas. We strive to be an inclusive group, where anyone is welcome to join our organization. Anime club will be a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. 

Assumption Against Cancer    
Assumption Against Cancer dedicates its time towards raising money for cancer research through fundraising events. We work closely with the Relay for Life and give students a chance to join our committee to help with the fundraising process. Everyone is affected by cancer in some way and joining AAC will give students the chance to help raise awareness and eliminate cancer from our lives.     

Assumption University Student Nurses’ Association
This group provides students with resources and programs which help develop them into professional nurses.

Best Buddies    
We aim to foster friendships between people with and without intellectual or developmental disabilities.  We collaborate with the Worcester Transitional program in order to meet new individuals with disabilities and host fun events in an effort to create relationships between them and Assumption Students.

Black Diaspora Student Union (BSU)
Assumption University’s Black Diaspora Student Union is a student group open to all interested students, regardless of race or ethnic background, who are interested in exploring and discussing race and ethnic issues pertinent to the Black student experience at Assumption.

Campus Activities Board (CAB)
Did you know that CAB hosts and plans about 90% of the events on campus! Those who join CAB learn how to plan programs, talk to vendors, and host large-scale events for students to enjoy. A plus is that you get to interact with a majority of the students on campus, that you may never get to meet.     

Club Sports
For those that enjoy competing in sports, but not at the varsity level, Assumption offers a number of club sports such as basketball, cheerleading, dance, equestrian, figure skating and much more. Something missing? Let us know! Club sports are student-run and the University is always seeking to add more options for students. 

Commuters Club    
Help Commuters have a voice and be heard, while having fun and meeting other commuters around campus.

Dance Team    
The Assumption University Dance Team is a group of individuals who strive to become a greater part of the campus community. We help to promote the cheerful atmosphere of the crowds and campus residents at planned events and sports games. Dance Team nurtures a positive environment that exudes a sense of family, strength, and acceptance to anyone who is looking to further their dance training.     

Education Club    
Assumption Education Club is a place to foster community within the University and its Education majors/minors.     

Greenhounds is Assumption’s sustainability club. Do you care about the environment? Our goal is to find more ways for our campus and individual students to live more sustainably. Join us and make a contribution to bettering campus!

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is an international organization whose mission is seeking to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope.

Heights Yearbook
We create a book full of memories for students to remember for years after they leave Assumption. Joining is a great way to learn more about Assumption and all it has to offer!

HoundSound A Cappella    
HoundSound is Assumption’s oldest competitive, co-ed a cappella group. We’re a group of students with varying musical backgrounds who come together to create and perform our own original arrangements of popular songs. We perform and compete in and around Worcester throughout the year and are 2017 Wec’appella champions.

Human Services Club 
The purpose of this club is to increase awareness of existing human services in the Worcester area. To increase empathy to those individuals who are in need of human services. To increase the awareness of various human services professionals. Students should and do join in order to be a part of a club that’s mission is to serve others.

The Jumpstart Club
The Jumpstart Club’s purpose is to develop a stronger base for our already existing Jumpstart Program through the Reach Out Center in Campus Ministry! The Jumpstart Program’s purpose is to serve underprivileged preschool programs in the Worcester area by working on social-emotional skills and reading and literacy skills with the children.

Le Provocateur Student Newspaper    
The Provoc is Assumption’s student-run newspaper. We are the voice of the Assumption community and have writing opportunities for every writer of all experiences.     

Moot Court
The Moot Court program is a “mock court” where students will take part in an organized and simulated court proceeding. This involves drafting testimonials or memoranda and participating in oral arguments. Moot Court aims to help students foster the ability to master substantive issues of law. Students will learn and understand legal precedents through deliberation with judges and supervisors who will challenge students and their application of legal principles.

MUSE Literary Club
MUSE is Assumption College’s student-run literary magazine, where students submit works of writing, art, and photography to be published annually in a print magazine. Our mission is to bolster the creative community on Assumption’s campus by providing aspiring writers and artists a place to publish their work, as well as opportunities to workshop their pieces in a welcoming and growth-focused environment. Everyone has a creative voice, and MUSE wants yours to be heard. 

Neuroscience Club    
You might know a little about neuroscience, or maybe nothing at all!! Our club is a fun and great way to get familiar with neuroscience and meet other students who also might enjoy science. We have held movie nights, done a variety of volunteering, and participates in the MS Walk every spring to help raise awareness and funds for research for those living with multiple scoliosis, which is a neurological disease that affects the nervous system.    

In NSSLHA we try to get guest speakers from the speech- language pathology and audiology field to come in and share their experiences. Members do not have to be in the concentration, some people may just be interested in CSD and want to learn more, some might be thinking about going into a similar field like PT/OT. The club also allows for people from different class years to interact and share advice about classes and the grad school application process. We usually try to hold a few meetings a semester so the time commitment to join is not super intense. At its core, the club serves as a way for CSD students to connect but also network with professionals in the field.     

Outdoors Club
The great outdoors calls! Join a group of adventurous students for a day of rock climbing, white water rafting, zip lining and more!

Peers Advocating Wellness for Students (PAWS)
PAWS provides education, guidance, and resources in the area of alcohol, drugs, social, sexual, physical, and mental wellness by engaging students in fun, interactive programs. PAWS educators promote an open-minded, caring, and non-judgmental atmosphere at Assumption University. 
Students join PAWS to be part of an engaging, interactive, and close-knit group dedicated to educating and raising awareness on mental health, sexual and domestic violence, consent, nutrition, and more. We incorporate self-care activities such as painting, making stress balls, yoga, and more to promote an environment that students feel supported in. 

Psychology Club/Psi Chi    
The Psychology Club gathers students with a common interest in Psychology (not limited to majors and minors!) so that we can all learn more and be active in our community. Activities include a community service project, fundraising for the club, events surrounding mental health, and events where we can all learn about careers in Psychology. Students should join if they have interest in any of these areas. 

Republican Club    
The Republican Club encourages open discussion on important political topics. We also work to promote conservative values and viewpoints. Finally, we participate in acts of service to support political candidates as well as local non-profit organizations in Worcester County.

Residence Hall Association     
The RHA oversees the hall councils and town halls in each of the residence halls on campus. We approve budgets, events, and fundraisers, as well as offer any additional guidance! We also hold many of our own fundraisers, such as Care Packages and Late Nights throughout the year such as, a Christmas/Holiday themed one in late November and our annual Duck Hunt, where we hide ducks around campus that can be redeemed for a prize, in the spring. This club has provided members, both as a group and individually, to be more confident with getting involved on campus and meeting people from other clubs too!    

Second Hand Hounds
The purpose of this club is to promote a culture of sustainability and second hand consumption at Assumption University. This is to keep in line with the Catholic Social Justice teachings and to encourage Stewardship in the Assumption community.

Society for Orphan Armenian Relief (SOAR)
This club of Assumption University students supports SOAR by engaging its student body in our mission and holding fundraisers. Club members get to interact with each other while learning about the Armenian Culture.

Student Alumni Association    
The Student Alumni Association serves as a connection between current students and alumni. Our largest event is homecoming or “Houndcoming”. We also plan various events that give alumni the opportunity to return to campus and interact with current students, while fostering opportunities to network and build meaningful connections. Join the Student Alumni Association if you enjoy community outreach, event planning, chances to meet new people, and opportunities to build a strong Assumption network.    

Student Government Association    
The Assumption University Student Government Association advocates for the entire student body and strive to enhance their college experience. The Student Government Association offers opportunities for positive change, personal growth, and development within the Assumption University community. With passion, integrity, dedication, and understanding, we are committed to continual involvement within our community all while upholding Assumption’s mission.

Table Top Gaming    
Table Top Gaming is a place where students can come to play their favorite games or learn new ones. Students who join have done so to continue playing games that they otherwise would not play while on campus.    

Valley Girl Magazine     
Assumption University’s Lifestyle Magazine written for Assumption students by Assumption Students. We cover things such as lifestyle, food, fashion, culture, and entertainment. You do not have to write to join the club, we will take anyone who is willing to contribute! We are always looking for new people and this is a great way to get involved on campus and allow your voice to be heard.     


For more information about any clubs or student organizations, contact the Office of Student Activities at 508-767-7403.

Office of Student Engagement and Leadership Staff

George Kuntz
Director of Student Engagement and Leadership

Jared Magno
Student Engagement Coordinator/Pub Manager

Vilma Saban
Assistant Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development

Morgan Maddock
OSEAL Graduate Assistant