A group of Assumption University students pose for a photographer.

“Precisely because we are a Catholic institution whose mission calls us to pursue the truth in the company of friends, Assumption University is committed to active and deliberate inclusion of diverse people and points of view. That commitment is rooted in the very premise of our mission: that we are all made in the image of God, that we are all oriented to using speech and reason to pursue truth together, and that—because none of us possesses the whole truth—we can all learn from each other. Anyone who seeks to join that pursuit will find an embracing and welcoming home in the Assumption community—regardless of faith, race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or beliefs. For the same reason, every member of our community is both welcome and encouraged to push us to keep doing better. As a community of learners, we are all called to learn from each other. We are committed to diversity as a moral imperative, but also an educational one.”

– Greg Weiner, Ph.D.

Compassion and Respect for ALL: The Assumption University Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The Catholic Church teaches that all individuals are to be treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or faith. Any malice in speech or in action is to be condemned. Assumption University fervently embraces these principles.

We seek to nurture and sustain our commitment to a community, in celebration of the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which the human dignity of every member of the University is protected, promoted, and celebrated. Assumption provides the means through which each member of our community is welcome to contribute to the vitality of the whole, a contribution that is valued, as is each individual.

At Assumption, our Catholic and Augustinian roots facilitate, in a unique way, the development of a community that reflects and respects the richness of our diverse world. In the Confessions, St. Augustine reminds us of the Biblical teaching that all people are created in the image and likeness of God, the foundation for the Catholic tradition’s respect for the inherent dignity of all human beings. This respect is at the heart of who we are at Assumption University.

The Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon, founder of the sponsoring religious order of the University, once wrote, We must love truth. We must love those to whom we communicate the truth. And we must love the various means whereby truth is communicated. When our hearts are aflame with this fire of love, our students will feel it, and they will come to catch fire as well.

As they pursue truth in the journey towards a degree, students become a member of a close-knit community that is founded on mutual respect and in which the members support one another. Assumption University is defined by such and the campus community is enlivened by the unique contributions of individuals from different backgrounds and beliefs. This is the foundation of our community: one built upon love and respect. Recognizing that each individual is made in the image of God, all are embraced and welcomed here regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or faith.

Questions about Diversity or Inclusiveness at Assumption University? Please contact us:

Conway Campbell, Ed.D., Vice President for Student Success
Deacon Paul Covino, Director of Campus Ministry

At Assumption, our Admissions Office is staffed with dedicated professionals ready to assist you on your academic journey. But our commitment to support goes beyond applications. We believe that all individuals are made in the image and likeness of God and deserve to be treated with respect, regardless of race or sexual orientation, and we are here to support you throughout your journey at Assumption to ensure all students experience being treated with respect and dignity within our community.

Students in the ALANA network gather and make the greyhound symbol.

Cross-Cultural Center

The Cross-Cultural Center provides an inclusive and safe space on campus for students to learn about other cultures as well as themselves. The Center works with groups throughout the campus community to promote understanding and hosts a number of events to celebrate the University’s diversity and the contributions all members of the community make to campus life at Assumption University.

International Student Success Center (ISSC)

International students at Assumption have access to personalized academic, social, and immigration support services provided by our Coordinator for International Student Success. You’ll work with an advisor who understands the unique needs of international students, have the opportunity to attend year-round extracurricular programs collaboratively designed with various campus groups, and receive assistance when applying for off-campus employment through CPT (curricular practical training) or OPT (optional practical training).

Racial and Ethnic Diversity


ALANA’s (African American, Latino American, Asian American and Native American Identities) mission is to foster an overall inclusive, comfortable, and supportive environment and awareness of diversity through education and engagement, while working collaboratively with other student organizations within the Assumption and Worcester Consortium Community.

At Assumption, you’ll be encouraged to stretch your worldview and participate in activities and groups that offer valuable insight into other races, ethnicities, and religions.

The ALANA Network is a student-run group that meets weekly during the academic year to plan and promote student and community activities. The Network seeks to foster an overall inclusive environment and awareness of diversity among its members and the entire Assumption University community. It also strives to educate and engage the Assumption community through various activities such as; multicultural events, panel discussions, weekly meetings, lectures, performances, etc

The Network works collaboratively with other student organizations within the Assumption community as well as student organizations in the ALANA Support Network Consortium. In addition, we honor a faculty member with the ALANA Diversity Award, given to recognize those who demonstrate sensitivity to diversity issues, a commitment to treating all students fairly and incorporating different cultural perspectives into his or her course material.

WINGS (Women Interested in Networking, Gathering, and Solidarity)

WINGS provides female students of color an opportunity to meet and build community with other students and staff of color. Students participate in discussions with outside guest speakers, and seek advice and guidance on issues pertinent to women of color. We seek to empower young women of color to explore and engage in the Assumption University community, think critically about their role in the surrounding community, and become informed citizens of the world.

PALMS (Positively Achieving Leadership by Men in Society)

PALMS provides male students of color an opportunity to meet and build community with other students and staff of color. Students participate in discussions with outside guest speakers, and seek advice and guidance on issues pertinent to men of color. We seek to empower young men of color to explore and engage in the Assumption University community, think critically about their role in the surrounding community, and become informed citizens of the world.

Black Diaspora Student Union (BSU)

Assumption University’s Black Diaspora Student Union is a group of Black and African American students seeking to support and enhance the Black student experience reflective of Assumption’s mission for a more diversified campus. Primarily serving Black students (that identify within the Black diaspora), the BSU’s mission is to address student concerns to ensure that all are succeeding.  The organization promotes dialogues regarding issues that the Black student community faces by engaging in outreach programs and providing leadership opportunities for the next generation of Black students. 

The University hosts a number of events throughout the academic year to celebrate and develop a greater understanding of the life experiences of all students. These include student forums, guest speakers and other education and awareness efforts to ensure that all students, regardless of race, gender or sexual identity, know that they are valued members of the campus community. Those events are complemented by the below annual events:

  • Annual Observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    • Each year, the University community pauses to reflect upon and remember the remarkable life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Recently, Dr. Joyce McNickles, a social justice educator and consultant with over 25 years of experience developing and executing comprehensive cultural competency, racial equity, and inclusion initiatives in academic, corporate, and non-profit settings, shared with students the relevance of Dr. King’s message and work in today’s contemporary culture.
  • ALANA Overnight
    • Through our ALANA Overnight program, we encourage prospective students to not only engage with current students, faculty and staff members, but also to expand their lens of societal views and opinions in a safe space. Additionally, we inspire participants to become leaders in a thriving global community and contribute with great insight into today’s world. The program itself takes place during a weekend in the Spring semester in conjunction with the annual Step and Dance Competition. It aims to host a small group of accepted students to create an intimate learning environment. The goal of our ALANA Overnight program is to have participants experience the diverse body of students here at Assumption University by creating an informative, entertaining, and rich-in-culture agenda. This may consist of a variety of activities including (but not limited to): icebreakers, discussion on societal topics, and attending campus events. Participants also have the opportunity to meet current ALANA students and learn about all of the outstanding efforts and events they host to celebrate diversity and promote multicultural awareness.

The University unequivocally respects and supports all students, faculty, and staff, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+. According to the Catholic Bishops, LGBTQIA+ individuals, “must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.” This is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church and one which the University embraces. The Bishops also write, “we recognize that these persons have been, and often continue to be, objects of scorn, hatred, and even violence in some sectors of our society.”  As a Catholic University, it is incumbent upon all in our community to embrace LGBTQIA+ individuals and continue to foster the caring and welcoming community that Assumption has been for a long time and will continue to be.

One of the enduring traditions of Catholic liberal education is the pursuit of truth through dialogue, examination, and reflection. We encourage this process and remind all members of the University community, in particular LGBTQIA+ individuals, that they are valued and loved.

AU Allies Student Club

AU Allies cultivates a campus environment that acknowledges and respects the human dignity of all persons, with special concern for members of the LGBTQIA+ community at Assumption. All students are invited to join!

Freedom of Expression

Assumption is an institution of Catholic liberal education committed to freedom of academic expression and inquiry. In our pursuit of knowledge and understanding, individuals are exposed to views that are contrary to our own, even those with which they may ardently disagree. Respectful debate is at the heart of the purpose of an educational community. It is this process of respectful debate that creates and supports a true community.


In addition to the AU Allies student club, the University offers a full slate of resources for all students.