

Do you love reading and writing about literature? Do you dream of being a reporter at a newspaper or on television? Do you have a way with words? Then you belong in Assumption’s Department of English.

At Assumption, you will be encouraged to find your voice and make it heard. Our dedicated faculty members enjoy working with students to discover what they are passionate about and to help them map a course for the future. Our courses in writing, literature, and communication and media will push you to become a confident and persuasive writer and a critical thinker able to read between the lines, detecting unstated assumptions and tracing the logic and implications of an argument. Our New York Media Experience, international internships, and opportunities in Worcester and on campus provide an array of options for gaining valuable real-world experience.

A bachelor’s degree in English at Assumption University will challenge you to address profound and enduring questions about what it means to be human. Choose to focus on literature or communication and media, or double-major in English and education. Regardless of your focus of study, you will master skills that will enable you to thrive in a wide range of careers.

As a student in the English Department, you will learn to use your writing to discover and develop ideas and arguments for a variety of audiences, gain a more informed understanding of cultural and historical differences, and be inspired to take intellectual risks.  At the same time, you will be preparing for success in the classroom and your career by learning to read carefully, write fluidly, think clearly, and speak persuasively.

A degree in Literature or Communication and Media prepares students to become active and engaged learners in both their personal and their professional lives.

The Major in Literature
As a major in literature, you will read, discuss, and write about the best poetry, fiction, and drama written in English.

The Major in Communication and Media
As a major in Communication and Media, you will learn to read television, radio, and film productions (as well as websites) as constructed texts, while developing your own voice as a writer and your skills in radio and television production.  Majors in Communication and Media can specialize in journalism and professional writing, creative writing, media production, or create their own specialization. Several specialty courses also count towards the minor in graphic design.  In 2019, 100% of our Communication and Media graduates were employed or enrolled in addition education within six months of graduation.

Double Major in English and Education
You will pair your love of English with a double major in literature and secondary education or a combined single major in English/elementary education. These programs of study will prepare you to teach English at the elementary, middle, or high school level.

Learning Goals of Majors in the Department of English

The department understands “literary,” “literature” and “language” to include written, visual, and performative texts. As members of the English Department, we want our students to do the following:

  • To pose questions and employ methods specific to the field of literary studies and to explore the implications of these ways of knowing;
  • To read critically and empathetically, recognizing the significance, quality, and consequences of language;
  • To write and speak effectively, exhibiting an awareness of audience;
  • To ask ethical questions about literature and its consequences for their values and ways of being in the world;
  • To gain a more informed and global understanding of cultural and historical differences;
  • To take intellectual risks, to synthesize the questions and approaches of the discipline they have learned, and to take responsibility for their own learning. To become lifelong active and engaged learners.
Program Contact

Rachel D. Ramsey, Ph.D

Associate Professor of English
508-767-7337 Founders Hall - Room 204

All classes taught by professors, none by teaching assistants
2020 English graduates employed or in graduate school within six months
Student/Faculty ratio

Program Curriculum

  • Assumption students pursuing an English degree must concentrate in either literature or writing & mass communications.

    Gateway to the Major (1)
    ENG 220 Approaches to Reading and Interpretation
    Historical Perspective (3)

    The following courses are required but need not be taken according to the sequence in which they are listed or numbered, although it is preferable to take Literature Survey I before Literature Survey II:

    ENG 221 Survey of British Literature I: Beginnings to the 18th Century or a Pre-1800 British literature at 300 level
    ENG 222 Survey of British Literature II: 19th Century to the Present or a Post-1800 British literature at 300 level
    ENG 223 Survey of American Literature: Beginnings to the Present or an American literature at 300 level

    Writing Unit (1)

    One 200–300 level writing course chosen from the following:
    ENG 201 Argument and Persuasion
    ENG 202 Introduction to Journalism
    ENG 203 Writing Workshop: Autobiography
    ENG 209 Creative Writing
    ENG 301 Special Topics in Writing and Mass Communications
    ENG 302 Special Topics in Journalism
    ENG 303 Magazine Writing
    ENG 304 Business and Technical Writing
    ENG 305 Writing Workshop: Fiction
    ENG 306 Writing Workshop: Poetry
    ENG 307 Writing Workshop: Drama
    ENG 308 Writing and Editing
    ENG 309 Writing Workshop: Creative Nonfiction
    ENG 310 Special Topics in Writing

    Major Electives (4)

    At least three of the four electives should be literature courses. One course must address writing by historically underrepresented groups, such as ENG 287 American Women of Color, ENG 379 Post-Colonial Literature, ENG 386 Native American Writing, and Representation, or ENG 387 Survey of African-American Literature. These elective courses cannot double-count.

    Capstone Senior Seminar Eng 411–414 (1)

    NOTE: These classes cannot double count for each other. These courses can be chosen from the English course offerings in literature, writing, and film. In making these choices, the student should note that of the ten courses required for the major, at least five must be at the 300–400 level. One course in classical language (GRK, LAT), one literature course in a foreign language (FRE, GER, ITA, SPA), or one comparative literature course (CLT) can be counted toward the English major; no special permission is required. An internship is recommended in the junior or senior year.

    Course Descriptions

  • Assumption students pursuing a degree in communication and media complete a minimum of eleven courses.  The major combines the skills of rhetorical analysis, effective style, critical thinking, and ethical questioning with contemporary applications through oral, written, and visual communications in both traditional and new media. The goal of the program is to help students understand how language shapes our world and to use responsibly and effectively the various forms of communication that define and construct contemporary life and culture. The major thrust of the curriculum is toward a broad and thorough education in the liberal arts in a creative hybrid form that also prepares students for graduate school, law school, careers in journalism and professional writing, in creative writing and publishing, in public relations, in teaching, and in other areas of the growing and changing field of communication and media.

    Required Courses (11)

    These do not include ENG 130 English Composition or LTE 140 Introduction to Literature. Students may take a total of 14 courses designated ENG for the WMC major.

    Gateway Courses (3)
    ENG 201 Writing Workshop: Argument and Persuasion
    ENG 202 Introduction to Journalism
    ENG 219 Approaches to Media Analysis
    Electives: Literature (3)

    Three literature classes, two of which must be at level 300 or higher.

    Capstones (2)
    ENG 415 Capstone Senior Seminar in Communication and Media
    ENG 420 Mass Communications Practicum: Internship
    Speciality (3) Three Courses from ONE of these Specialties

    Journalism and Professional Writing

    ENG 201 Argument and Persuasion
    ENG 212 Professional and Academic Writing
    ENG 301 Special Topics in Writing and Mass Communications
    ENG 302 Special Topics in Journalism
    ENG 304 Business and Technical Writing
    ENG 308 Writing and Editing
    ENG 309 Writing Workshop: Creative Nonfiction
    Creative Writing
    ENG 203 Writing Workshop: Autobiography
    ENG 209 Creative Writing ENG 305 Writing Workshop: Fiction
    ENG 306 Writing Workshop: Poetry
    ENG 307 Writing Workshop: Drama
    ENG 309 Writing Workshop: Creative Nonfiction
    ENG 310 Special Topics in Writing
    Media Studies and Production
    ENG 211 Speech
    ENG 217 Introduction to Film Studies
    ENG 237 Film and Literature
    ENG 293 Special Topics in Film and Literature
    ENG 301 Special Topics in Writing and Mass Communications
    ENG 396 American Film
    ARD 115 Graphic Design I
    ARD 215 Graphic Design II
    ARD 175 Introduction to Digital Photography
    CSC 181 Electronic Communication and Multimedia
    THA 387 Acting
    TVP 290 Video Communications Skills
    TVP 295 Video Production I
    TVP 390 Video Production II
    TVP 395 Special Topics in Video Production

    Course Descriptions

  • The Elementary Education Track applies only to those students who are pursuing a major in Education with a licensure emphasis in Elementary (1-6). If a student withdraws from the Education major, then the option to pursue the Elementary Track in the English major no longer applies. English majors who are pursuing licensure in Middle/Secondary Education (5-8; 8-12) would still complete the standard 10-course English major in Literature.

    English Education Core (4)
    ENG 220 Approaches to Reading and Interpretation
    ENG 263 Children’s Literature
    EDU 302 Teaching English Language Learners
    EDU 325 Literacy Development and Instruction
    Historical Perspective (2)

    Students are strongly recommended to take all three courses.

    ENG 221 Survey of British Literature: Beginnings to the 18th Century
    ENG 222 Survey of British Literature: 19th Century to the Present
    ENG 223 Survey of American Literature: Beginnings to the Present
    Writing Unit (1)

    One 200-300 level writing course chosen from the following:

    ENG 201 Argument and Persuasion
    ENG 202 Introduction to Journalism
    ENG 203 Writing Workshop: Autobiography
    ENG 209 Creative Writing
    ENG 301 Special Topics in Writing and Mass Communications
    ENG 302 Special Topics in Journalism
    ENG 303 Magazine Writing
    ENG 304 Business and Technical Writing
    ENG 305 Writing Workshop: Fiction
    ENG 306 Writing Workshop: Poetry
    ENG 307 Writing Workshop: Drama
    ENG 308 Writing and Editing
    ENG 309 Creative Non-Fiction
    ENG 310 Special Topics in Writing

    Major Electives (2)

    Two 300 level literature courses from among department offerings. Students are recommended to take both 300-level literature courses before taking the Senior Seminar.

    Capstone (1)
    ENG 411-414 Senior Seminar in Literature

    Course Descriptions

  • The Department of English works closely with Assumption’s Department of Education to prepare students for the teaching of English in secondary schools. Such students should consider a major in English and a major in secondary education. The major in English provides students with 30 hours of coursework in the field of knowledge competency required for certification by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Students preparing to teach English at the elementary or secondary level are strongly encouraged to meet with a member of the English Department as early in their academic experience as possible. Application for the appropriate education major must be made to Assumption’s Department of Education by the spring of the sophomore year. Students should plan their courses of study working closely with members of both the Education and English Departments.

    Course Descriptions

  • Students who are majoring in other disciplines can minor in English or Writing.

    The minor consists of 18 credits (six courses) in English. These do not include ENG 130 English Composition or LTE 140 Introduction to Literature. At least three of these courses must be in literature, and at least one must be a writing course at the 200-level or above.  The remaining courses may be courses in film, literature, or writing. The student who intends to apply for an English Minor is urged to seek the advice of a faculty member in the department in order to design a program that is best suited to the student’s interests and professional goals.


    Required Courses

    English composition (does not count toward 6 courses)

    3 literature courses

    At least one writing course at the 200-level or above


    A minor in writing includes six classes (18 credits) in writing, two of which may be Writing Emphasis literature classes.

    Interested in Law School?
    The study of English, with its focus on the interpretation of written texts and evidence-based argumentation in writing and speech, helps students acquire the skills and habits of mind essential to success in law school.  In fact, the American Bar Association confirms that majors and minors across the curriculum, combined with a strong liberal education, provide excellent preparation for law school. Assumption’s Pre-Law Program provides personalized advising, co-curricular activities, and development opportunities for all students considering law school. See the “Pre-Law” section under “Pre-Professional Programs of Study.” Above all, students considering law school should choose a major that interests them, pursue academic excellence in that field, and contact the pre-law advising coordinator, Prof. Carl Keyes, Department of History, or 508 767-7324. 

    Course Descriptions

  • A student majoring in a department other than English may elect to minor in Writing. Six writing courses in addition to English 130 are required for the minor. Students interested in the Writing Minor are encouraged to seek the counsel of a member of the English Department.


    Interested in Law School?
    The study of English, with its focus on the interpretation of written texts and evidence-based argumentation in writing and speech, helps students acquire the skills and habits of mind essential to success in law school.  In fact, the American Bar Association confirms that majors and minors across the curriculum, combined with a strong liberal education, provide excellent preparation for law school. Assumption’s Pre-Law Program provides personalized advising, co-curricular activities, and development opportunities for all students considering law school. See the “Pre-Law” section under “Pre-Professional Programs of Study.” Above all, students considering law school should choose a major that interests them, pursue academic excellence in that field, and contact the pre-law advising coordinator, Prof. Carl Keyes, Department of History, or 508 767-7324. 

  • WGBH Boston offers internships in writing, production, and public relations for programs including The Antiques Roadshow, The American Experience, and This Old House.

    The American Cancer Society offers internships in writing, editing, public relations, community development, and educational liaison.

    Central Massachusetts Convention and Visitors Bureau interns write press releases, interview public figures and celebrities, work to develop special events and festivals.

    WHDH-TV 7 Boston offers internships in newsroom writing, including feature stories, sports, and entertainment broadcasting, cyber-journalism, public relations, and editing.

    PULSE Magazine offers internships in journalism, marketing, editing, and public relations.

    Boston Globe offers journalism and online web journalism, layout and design, and editing.

    Worcester Telegram and Gazette offers writing and editing opportunities in every department.

    WAAF offers training in broadcasting, public relations, writing, and advertising.

    Davis Publishing offers interns a choice of editing, graphic design, public relations, and technical writing opportunities.


Rachel D. Ramsey, Ph.D
Department Chair, English Associate Professor of English
Paul E. Ady, Ph.D
Adjunct Faculty
Kristen Carella, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Becky L. DiBiasio, Ph.D
Associate Professor of English
Mary DiDomenico
Visiting Assistant Professor of English
Katharine Donius
Adjunct Faculty
Shahara B. Drew, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice of English
Gina Ethier
Adjunct Faculty
Christopher J Gilbert, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
John Hodgen
Lucia Z. Knoles, Ph.D
Professor of English
Michael Charles Land, Ph.D
Associate Professor of English Director, Community Service-Learning Program
James M. Lang, Ph.D
Professor of English Director of the D’Amour Center for Teaching Excellence
Ann B. Murphy, Ph.D
Adjunct Faculty
Katherine Nadeau
Adjunct Faculty
Charles Saini
Adjunct Faculty
Matthew F. Schratz
Adjunct Faculty
Paul S. Shields, Ph.D
Associate Professor of English
David Thoreen, Ph.D
Professor of English
Molly Williams
Adjunct Faculty

Experiential Learning

Assumption's Rome Campus

At Assumption's campus in Rome, Italy, the city and the country become your classroom through daily and weekend-long excursions throughout "the eternal city" and the Italian countryside. This unique study abroad experience will enrich your academic and cultural pursuits as you walk in the footsteps of emperors and gladiators then enjoy delectable Italian cuisine or perhaps a cappuccino after class in a local cafe. (Did you know that your financial aid follows you to Rome?)

Explore the Rome Campus

Learn the Skills Employers Seek

Faculty/Student Research

The Assumption curriculum encourages scholarly and real-world experience. With hands-on research conducted alongside faculty mentors, students gain a depth of knowledge and skills that lead to professional success and personal fulfillment.

Study Abroad

At Assumption University, the world is your classroom. Students can study and explore abroad in over 50 places from Vienna to England, South Africa, and even our own campus in historic, yet modern, Rome, Italy. Assumption’s study abroad program offers culture, history, and a living classroom for all.


Assumption starts planning for your future the day you arrive on campus. Our Career Development and Internship Center helps students secure exciting and fulfilling internships where you’ll apply knowledge obtained in the classroom in a professional setting, preparing for a future career or additional study. Assumption connects students to internship opportunities in corporations, government agencies, research hospitals, non-profit organizations, and more.

Pathways to Success

Graduates majoring in English or Communication and Media work in a broad range of fields and professions, from television and radio broadcasting, journalism, advertising, publishing, and strategic communications to law and education.

The Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services Corporation

Churchill School and Center, New York City

Davis Publications

Peabody Essex Museum

Consigli Construction Company

First-rate Academics in a Catholic University Setting

Assumption University awakens in students a sense of wonder, discovery, and purpose, forming graduates known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. Students are provided an education that shapes their souls, forms them intellectually, and prepares them for meaningful careers. Enlivened by the harmony of faith and reason, here, students’ minds and hearts are transformed.

Assumption is dedicated to providing a clear understanding of what your education will cost

We’ll help cut through the complexity of financing your education, ensuring you understand what you need, how to apply for aid, and what’s expected of you. You will be assigned a personal financial aid advisor who will guide you through the process and answer all of your financial aid-related questions.

Career Paths


English majors are strongly encouraged to gain career experience and course credit through an internship in their field of interest during their junior or senior year. Internships for academic credit give students practical, hands-on experience, allowing them to explore their career choices before graduating.

The English Department at Assumption University offers internships at more than 70 professional sites in central Massachusetts and beyond. Students can intern with publishing companies, newspapers, magazines, nonprofit organizations, theaters, radio stations, television stations, political organizations, internet providers, public relations groups, and advertising agencies.

Professor Michael Land, Ph.D., Named New England Journalism Educator of the Year

The New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENOA) has named Associate Professor of English and Director of Assumption’s Community Service Learning Program Michael Land, Ph.D., New England Journalism Educator of the Year. The prestigious award recognizes a professor at a university in New England who performs outstanding work in preparing aspiring journalists and writers. Learn More

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