Supporting a Healthy Lifestyle
Here at Assumption, we offer extensive on-campus resources to help you lead a healthy lifestyle during your time as a student! Peers Advocating Wellness for Students (PAWS), Active Minds, Counseling Services, Student Health Services (SHS), and the Assistant Dean for Student Development help facilitate an environment that promotes your mental and physical wellbeing.
- Information and resources on a variety of health topics such as nutrition, physical activity, social health, healthy relationships, stress management, sexual violence and sleep management.
- Addressing the most critical prevention needs of students
- Advocating for policy, procedural and environmental changes that benefit the campus community
- Educational programs in classrooms and around the campus
- Coordinating campus-wide health promotion activities in collaboration with other departments.
Peers Advocating Wellness for Students
PAWS are passionate and responsible student leaders who extend health and wellness education beyond the walls of the SHS office. PAWS encourage students to develop the tools needed to lead a healthy lifestyle. They also encourage students to think critically about college health issues by raising questions, facilitating discussion and sharing information.
PAWS receive training and national certification so they can provide facts and resources on health-related topics such as social health, mental health, stress, sleep management, healthy relationships, sexual violence, physical activity, and nutrition. They do this in a positive, interactive, fun and non-judgmental manner.
PAWS Activities
- Provide one-on-one conversations with fellow students who have wellness-related questions.
- Lead and sponsor educational programming for students.
- Disseminate accurate health information on campus.
- Provide referrals to on- and off-campus services.
Active Minds is a nonprofit national organization dedicated to promoting mental health, among young adults, via peer-to-peer dialogue and interaction. Active Minds Chapters can be found on over 400 campuses including Assumption University.
The Active Minds Chapter at Assumption University is a group of student leaders who advocate and promote positive mental health on campus. Active Minds encourages open conversation about mental health through outreach and programs. The goal is to reduce the stigma, increase help-seeking behavior, recognize signs of students in distress, and feel comfortable navigating resources for support.
Active Minds is always looking for new members who are passionate about educating the campus about mental health and promoting suicide prevention efforts. If you are interested in being involved with Active Minds please contact MaryAnn Silvestri, Chapter Advisor at
Alcohol and other drug use choices can have a significant impact on the academic, emotional, physical and spiritual life of students. A collaboration between the Offices of Student Affairs, Health Services and the Counseling Center strives to help all members of our community make safe, healthy choices regarding alcohol and other drugs.
The staff also provides support to students who are concerned about their own use, or are concerned about the use of a friend/relative. Consultation, information, assessment and referral are available for Assumption University students at no cost.
Research & Assessment
Research is a crucial part of the alcohol and drug education program at Assumption University. To determine the needs of the students and identify trends on campus, Assumption University conducts annual surveys.All incoming students participate in online training around alcohol education and sexual violence prevention prior to arriving on campus.
All undergraduates are invited to participate in the Core Survey in the spring semester. The Core Survey is used by many institutions of higher education, and more than 70,000 college students participate.
The research findings enable the Alcohol & Drug Education program to develop programs that meet the specific needs of our community. The Office offers several groups for students, faculty and staff to participate in throughout the year including:Peers Advocating Wellness for Students (PAWS)
PAWS is a passionate and responsible group of student leaders who extend health and wellness education beyond the walls of the classroom. PAWS provide students with facts and resources on health-related topics including alcohol and drug use. They do this in a positive, interactive, fun and non-judgmental manner.