Assumption University president Greg Weiner

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Welcome to Assumption University!

Assumption University is a community of friends united by a common goal—the formation of our students and the pursuit of truth. The result is a unique education that is timelessly valuable for students and graduates in every sense. On this campus, they become different kinds of people and therefore different kinds of professionals, leaders, parents, friends, and citizens. Marked by gritty determination, relentless curiosity, and a lack of entitlement, Assumption graduates are in demand exactly because our understanding of Catholic liberal education knits enduring ideas and professional preparation into a single fabric. As a result, our graduates are ready for a world whose only constant—in the workplace and beyond—is change. They embrace what is timely exactly because they’ve studied it in conversation with the timeless.

So many institutions force students to choose between personal formation and professional preparation. Assumption doesn’t—because at Catholic liberal education’s best, those goals reinforce each other. Assumption students, both undergraduate and graduate, leave here with the knowledge and habits of mind that prepare them for their first jobs; their second, third, and fourth careers; and the obligations we all bear to one another as citizens and friends.

For us, that’s what it means to be a Catholic institution with an educational mission—a mission that speaks to people of all backgrounds and faiths precisely because we seek truth, goodness, and beauty wherever they’re found—whether it’s healing a patient, exploring the science and philosophy of the mind, or analyzing the numbers on a balance sheet. We believe those moments of wonder and discovery are waiting around every corner. We find them in daily life, in the classroom and the lab, in conversation and in competition.

At Assumption, everyone is both a student and an educator—from the professor in the classroom to the student in the back row, from the staff member providing academic support to the dining workers preparing our meals. For us, the virtues of learning are courage, generosity, and humility. We believe we learn the most from those who see the world differently, which is why our community of learners embraces diverse people and points of view.

Join us. Learn with us. Teach us. Challenge us. You’ll transform your life—and ours.

-President Greg Weiner, Ph.D.