Assumption students rehearse hymns that will be sung at Mass in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit.

Join a worshiping community that is focused on students. Assumption promotes a vibrant community of faith  centered around the Eucharist, the source and summit of Catholic  life. Additional opportunities include Mass, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Reconciliation, Charismatic Praise, Candlelight Prayer, and Adoration.  Students serve as greeters, altar servers, lectors, Communion ministers, and music ministers. Our campus ministers work diligently to connect students of various faith backgrounds with nearby worshiping communities in Worcester, ensuring that every student finds their spiritual home and a welcoming, supportive community.

Schedule of Liturgies on Campus

In-session annually during the academic year, August – May:


Morning Prayer: 8:00 AM

Mass: 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM

Evening Prayer: 4:45 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation: 6:20-6:50 PM

Monday through Friday:

Morning Prayer: 8:00 AM

Mass: 5:00 PM (also 12:00 PM during Lent)

Evening Prayer: 5:35 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday 9:05-10:00 PM


Morning Prayer and Mass: 8:00 AM

Evening Prayer: 5:35 PM

Offered during the summer session and University breaks-


Morning Prayer: 8:00 AM

Mass: 10:00 AM

Evening Prayer: 4:45 PM

Monday through Saturday:

Morning Prayer and Mass: 8:00 AM

Evening Prayer: 5:35 PM

Get Involved: Liturgical and Music Ministries

Students share their talents with the worshiping community at Assumption in various liturgical and music ministries.  No previous experience is required, and training is provided.

Greeters welcome people to the Chapel and take up the collection at Sunday Masses.

Music Ministers lead the music at Mass and other liturgies, and include choir members, cantors, and instrumentalists.

Altar Servers assist the priest in a variety of ways during Mass.

Lectors prepare the scripture readings and read them during Mass and other liturgies.

Communion Ministers serve the Body and Blood of Christ to those assembled for Mass.

For more information, contact Deacon Paul Covino (Greeters, Altar Servers, Lectors, Communion Ministers) or Mr. Michael Ochoa (Music Ministers).

Additional Opportunities for Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Growth at Assumption

Charismatic Praise
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Interfaith Prayer Room
Non-Denominational Protestant Worship
Prayer with Athletic Team Chaplains

First-Rate Liberal Arts Academics in a Catholic University Setting

Assumption University awakens in students a sense of wonder, discovery, and purpose, forming graduates known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. Students are provided an education that shapes their souls, forms them intellectually, and prepares them for meaningful careers. Enlivened by the harmony of faith and reason, here, students’ minds and hearts are transformed.