Assumption University Sign Located at Front of Campus

Title IX Office

Assumption University is committed to addressing sexual assault by educating the University community on matters regarding sexual misconduct, providing assault survivors with support, and continuously reviewing our response to incidents.

Prevention Through Education

The University is committed to addressing sexual assault by educating the University community on matters regarding sexual misconduct, providing assault survivors with the support they need and continuously reviewing our response to incidents so that we can respond to future incidents appropriately and provide support for victims. 

This webpage is a central location for students to obtain the information they need and will continue to evolve as more information becomes available, requirements change, and processes are modified. We encourage you to review this site, share it with others, and send us your suggestions about how we can improve it, provide more information, or improve our response.

Through the University’s campus advocate, Stephanie Seyde, students are provided empowerment counseling, non-judgmental support, information about options, medical, legal, academic, and counseling advocacy. This position is employed by Pathways for Change Inc. but housed on campus.

Confidential Help

Confidential advisors are not required to report incidents to the Title IX office or Campus Police

Stephanie Seyde, Campus Advocate

Student Counseling Center
Student Health Services
Campus Ministry

File a Report

Reporting and Title IX

A word on confidentiality – Conversations with the Title IX Coordinator and associates are kept as confidential as possible, but information about incidents of sexual misconduct must be shared with relevant administrators and others if the University needs to take action for reasons of community safety. In all cases, the wishes of the person initiating the conversation are given full consideration.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs. The Title IX Coordinator oversees and provides leadership for the University’s Title IX deputies, the administrators who carry out investigations, compliance-related responsibilities and reporting. They also oversee education and training campus-wide regarding sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. ‘Know Your IX’ is a great resource that explains Title IX as it specifically related to sexual misconduct on university campuses and the types of options that are available to survivors.
