Business professor with students.

International Business

Engage in a variety of learning experiences, providing you with knowledge and cultural awareness to work with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

What is International Business?

Today’s markets are more interdependent and global than ever before. Assumption’s international business program offers core business courses complemented by Assumption’s strong offerings in the liberal arts, which extend from languages and literature to geography, philosophy, and political science. This valuable combination helps students gain the intense business knowledge and broad cultural awareness they need to work effectively in various environments with colleagues of diverse backgrounds. Other opportunities like study abroad and internships make this program an exciting study option. 

Why Study International Business at Assumption?

This degree is designed to provide students with a particularly wide variety of learning experiences designed to prepare them to function successfully in global environments. Students in this program need to understand the history, language, and practices of other cultures. Along with a strong foundation of business courses, this major draws upon the strengths of related liberal arts disciplines such as foreign language, literature, history, geography, philosophy, political science, and theology.

Program Contact

Smriti Rao, Ph.D

Department Chair, Economics, Finance and Accounting, Professor of Economics
508-767-7565 Tsotsis Family Academic Center - Room 229

Program Curriculum

  • Required Courses (13 Courses)

    ACC 125 Principles of Accounting I
    ACC 126 Principles of Accounting II
    MGT 100 Introduction to Management
    MGT 102 Introduction to Organizational Behavior
    MKT 101 Principles of Marketing
    ECO 110 Microeconomics
    ECO 111 Macroeconomics
    ECO 115 Statistics with Excel
    MGT 230 Decision Analytics for Managers
    INB 306 International Marketing
    FIN 325 Financial Management I
    INB 307 International Management
    MGT 400 Business Strategy (Capstone: Seniors only)

    Note: ECO115 requires students to have taken MAT114 prior to or at the same time.

    Foreign Language

    Language at Level 3 or higher

    Electives (1 or 2)

    Choose 1 course or 2 in Foreign Language competence satisfied by AP credits

    INB 334 International Communication: Organizational Perspectives
    MGT 335 Global Social Entrepreneurship
    BUS 399 Internship in Business
    BUS 444 Honors Capstone in Business
    ECO 353/ECO 354 International Trade/International Finance

    Cultural Literacy Depth (3)

    The focus of this area is to build knowledge of other cultures. Additional courses which clearly support this learning goal will be reviewed by the department chair.


    ANT 131 Cultural Anthropology


    HIS 235 France since 1789
    HIS 242 Russia since 1917
    HIS 251 Late America since 1821
    HIS 267 United States Foreign Relations since 1776
    HIS 272 Germany since 1890
    HIS 282 Japan from 1868 to Present
    HIS 283 Modern China: War and Revolution
    HIS 291 Islamic Middle East II
    HIS 306 European Primacy, 1870 to the present
    HIS 310 Diplomatic History of Europe in the 20th Century
    HIS 363 The Vietnam War
    HIS 368 The Cold War


    PHI 365 Late Modern Philosophy

    Political Science

    POL 207 Peace and War
    POL 371 Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

    Course Descriptions

  • Required Courses (3)

    ACC 125 Principles of Accounting I
    MGT 100 Introduction to Management
    MKT 101 Principles of Marketing

    Electives (4)

    MGT 335 Global Social Entrepreneurship
    INB 306 International Marketing
    INB 307 International Management
    MGT 311 Diversity in the Workforce
    INB 334 International Communication: Organizational Perspectives
    MGT 311 Diversity in the Workforce
    ECO 353/ECO 354 International Trade OR International Finance

    Course Descriptions

  • Learning goals:

    1. Obtain mastery of basic principles and skills useful to functioning as a professional manager (mastery of business courses)
    2. Obtain mastery of international business core (mastery of international business courses)
    3. Demonstrate cultural literacy


Colleen A. Fahy, Ph.D
Professor of Economics
Demetrius Kantarelis, Ph.D
Professor of Economics
Tyler Wasson
Assistant Professor of Management

Experiential Learning

Assumption's Rome Campus

At Assumption's campus in Rome, Italy, the city and the country become your classroom through daily and weekend-long excursions throughout "the eternal city" and the Italian countryside. This unique study abroad experience will enrich your academic and cultural pursuits as you walk in the footsteps of emperors and gladiators then enjoy delectable Italian cuisine or perhaps a cappuccino after class in a local cafe. (Did you know that your financial aid follows you to Rome?)

Explore the Rome Campus

Learn the Skills Employers Seek

Faculty/Student Research

The Assumption curriculum encourages scholarly and real-world experience. With hands-on research conducted alongside faculty mentors, students gain a depth of knowledge and skills that lead to professional success and personal fulfillment.

Study Abroad

At Assumption University, the world is your classroom. Students can study and explore abroad in over 50 places from Vienna to England, South Africa, and even our own campus in historic, yet modern, Rome, Italy. Assumption’s study abroad program offers culture, history, and a living classroom for all.


Assumption career planning starts the day you arrive on campus. “Internship in Business” is a 3-credit seminar course in the Grenon School of Business that is available to all business students. The course provides hands-on experience and training, networking and informational interviews with professionals, and assessment of your personal career strengths and interests. You will spend a minimum of 120 hours working in the field. During the weekly seminar, students discuss how organizational behavior and management concepts apply to their individual placements.

Career Paths

Graduates of the International Business Program are qualified for career opportunities in domestic and foreign organizations:

Management Behavior


Human Resources

Marketing and Sales

Marketing Research

Product Management


Government Agencies

First-rate Academics in a Catholic University Setting

Assumption University awakens in students a sense of wonder, discovery, and purpose, forming graduates known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. Students are provided an education that shapes their souls, forms them intellectually, and prepares them for meaningful careers. Enlivened by the harmony of faith and reason, here, students’ minds and hearts are transformed.

Assumption is dedicated to providing a clear understanding of what your education will cost

We’ll help cut through the complexity of financing your education, ensuring you understand what you need, how to apply for aid, and what’s expected of you. You will be assigned a personal financial aid advisor who will guide you through the process and answer all of your financial aid-related questions.

Be Prepared for the Future

Accelerated BA/MBA Dual Degree Program

Apply as a high school senior into the dual degree program with one application and benefit from being considered for a $2,500 Assumption Business Leader Scholarship (per year for 5 years), special programming, and the ability to take up to two MBA courses during your senior year.  We offer two tracks to choose from: Management and CPA (for accounting majors only). Learn more about all of the University's dual degree offerings.