Ecumenical Institute

Ecumenical Institute

The Ecumenical Institute at Assumption University provides a forum for reflection and discussion of questions of common interest to Christians of all churches and to people of other faiths

The Ecumenical Institute at Assumption University was established in 1968, and refounded in 1999, to provide a forum for reflection and discussion of questions of common interest to Christians of all churches and to people of other faiths. Through annual lectureships, special programs, and collaboration with other organizations, the Institute stresses education and makes a deliberate effort to bring contemporary scholarship to bear on the life of the University, Church and society in our time. Its work is inspired by the Assumptionists’ commitment to ecumenism and social justice and by the emphasis the University’s mission places on the harmony of faith and reason. The Institute seeks to address common issues confronting all believers in our day – namely, the relation of faith to the modern world – being particularly sensitive to the fact that, in many instances, the real problems persons of faith encounter today lie deeper than the issues that have traditionally divided Christian churches and other faith communities.

The Institute organizes the University’s annual Emmanuel d’Alzon Lecture, Rabbi Joseph Klein Lecture on Judaic Studies, Bishop Bernard Flanagan Ecumenical Lecture, Saint Marie-Eugenie Milleret Lecture and has co-sponsored the Grall-Neafsey Lecture Series which promotes conversation about law, peace, and conflict in the modern world. Occasionally, the Institute organizes special programs and events such as colloquia, exhibits, film screenings and theatre performances.

Past Events