Group of male students in a classroom working together.

Division for Student Success

Welcome to the division for student success!

This Division was created to be the catalyst, facilitator, connector and unifier of the campus around issues of student success. As the demographics of Assumption University change, and our student population becomes more diverse, so too must the services and opportunities we provide for our students to meet changing student needs.

Student Success works to invigorate, enliven, showcase, develop and integrate the exceptional work of the campus community. The Division serves as the conduit to inspire a collectively integrated, intentional and systematic approach to success for all students.

Informed by our Catholic and Augustinian roots, we operate under the premise that each individual has an opportunity to contribute to the vitality of the community, a contribution that is valued, as is each individual. Therefore our students’ academic success, resilience, graduation and employability are keys to an Assumption education.

This is an exciting time to grow and learn at Assumption. We look forward to working with each and every student as we grow together.

Success Starts Here.

Warm regards,

Conway Campbell, Sr.

Vice President for Student Success

Division for Student Success Staff

Mary Bresnahan

Assistant VP for Student Success

Conway C.S. Campbell, Ed.D

Vice President Student Success

Shannon Curtis

Director, Career Development & Internship Center

Amy Hurley

Interim Director of Academic Support

Chad Laliberte

Director of Student Success Pathways and International Student Advisor, PDSO

Julie LeBlanc

Senior Director of Student Accessibility and Retention Initiatives


Division for Student Success Resources

  • The CARE Team’s purpose is to provide a “safety net” for students who may be experiencing problems in one or more areas of academic and/or student life, through early detection and coordinated outreach. The CARE Team meets regularly and places a high priority on balancing a student’s right to privacy with the University’s duty to respond appropriately to a student experiencing difficulty or expressing at-risk behaviors. Non-confidential information about such students is shared in a respectful manner among the members present. The confidential information which a student may share with a member of the Team is not shared at these meetings, assuring student confidentiality. The information shared at The CARE Team does not become part of any student record and is not disciplinary in nature. Any outreach to students is done in a respectful and discreet manner. The sole purposes of The CARE Team are early detection and outreach to students who are having difficulty or may be at-risk.

    The CARE Team is comprised of the Vice President for Student Success, Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Studies, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Studies, Director of Counseling Services, Director of Residential Life, Director of Health Services, Director of Campus Ministry, Director of Student Accessibility Services, Assistant Director of Athletics, Director of the Cross-Cultural Center, Director of Financial Aid, Professional Practice Coordinator (Nursing), and the Director of Public Safety.

  • The Assumption Retention Committee was established in 2017 to find ways to increase student persistence at the University. The Retention Committee is comprised of the Vice President for Student Success, Assistant Vice President for Student Success, Associate Dean of Studies, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Studies, Director of Financial Aid, Director of Institutional Research, Dean of the College of Arts and Science, and an Economics Faculty.

  • Assumption has a number of resources that attribute to a student’s success on and off-campus. The Career Development and Internship Center is one resource that provides students with opportunities to expand upon their skills and apply real-world experience.

    Learn more about experiential learning opportunities

  • The Cross-Cultural Center at Assumption offers a safe and welcoming environment embracing contributions from students, faculty, and staff of all different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

    Learn more