Nicole Pantano, Ph.D, BCBA-D, LABA

Assistant Professor of Psychology

508-767-7570 Kennedy Memorial Hall – Room 144

Dr. Nicole Pantano is a doctoral level Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Dr. Pantano’s research interests include translational and applied applications of behavior analysis, autism spectrum disorders, verbal behavior, caregiver behavior, and teaching. Her recent research projects include improving verbal behavior instruction for children with and without intellectual disabilities, understanding how crying effects caregiving behavior, and the exploration of best teaching practices in post-secondary education. Dr. Pantano received clinical and research training at the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Munroe-Meyer Institute with a focus on behavior analytic applications to early intervention.

Education background

B.S., Northeastern University
M.A., Western Michigan University
Ph.D., Caldwell University

Courses Taught


Survey of Behavioral Interventions

Advanced Topics in Applied Behavior Analysis


Principles of Learning and Behavior Analysis

Behavior-Analytic Interventions I and II

Practicum I-V