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Jun 17, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Travel Tuesday: Veronica Prytko ’21

Veronica Prytko ’21, a political science major and art history minor decided to study abroad at Assumption’s Rome campus for the spring 2019 semester. “I chose Rome because I have always wanted to study abroad and do it with other Assumption students and professors so I could create great friendships. My favorite place in Rome is St. Peter’s Square. As soon as you walk into the square it feels so much warmer and it just really is beautiful. Looking at pictures can’t describe how beautiful it is until you really see it in person.” Veronica has loved the convenience of exploring more of Europe during her time studying in Rome. “I could hop on a train and in 3 hours I am in Venice or fly on a plane for 3 hours and be in Paris.” Veronica’s time in Europe has enhanced her adoration for artwork, especially at the Vatican and the Louver. “What I love the most about my time abroad is making new friends and creating greater relationships with the friends I had already on this trip.” 

Assumption Rome