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>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)
Jun 04, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)

Travel Tuesday: Sydney Brosseau ’20

Sydney Brosseau ’20, a marketing major, chose to spend her spring 2019 semester studying abroad in Ireland. Sydney has always wanted to travel to different countries around the world, and Ireland was first on her list of countries to visit! “During my time here, the people of Ireland have inspired me the most. They are so friendly and always want to know about your life and where you came from.” Sydney encourages students on the fence about studying abroad to go for it. “You won’t regret studying abroad, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. You will have so many amazing experiences and make memories that will last a lifetime!”

Study Abroad