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Mar 26, 2019
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Dmitriy Ivanov
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Travel Tuesday: Rachel Berthiaume ’20

Rachel Berthiaume ’20, wanted to challenge herself by forcing herself out of her comfort zone all the way across the world to study abroad in Australia’s Gold Coast. “I was always very nervous to be away from home and to study abroad, but I realized this opportunity is once in a lifetime and is for sure the best decision I have ever made!”

One of Rachel’s favorite parts about being abroad in Australia’s Gold Coast is experiencing the beach and city lifestyle at the same time. “Watching Australia’s beautiful sunrise and sunsets on the coast, is nothing like I’ve ever seen before, it is absolutely breathtaking. I find comfort in the fact that Australia’s native language is English, so it made it much easier to adjust to my new surroundings. The food is very similar to what I am used to, and their coffee is amazing, however, I am definitely missing my dunkin’!

Rachel has been able to discover more about the world than she ever imagined, in addition to discovering herself. “Being immersed in a new culture opens your eyes and helps you to discover so much about yourself and the world. It is an amazing experience, if you have the chance, go, you may never have this opportunity again!”

Assumption’s Study Abroad Programs