<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)
Mar 19, 2019
<<<<<<< HEAD
Dmitriy Ivanov
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)

Travel Tuesday: Kennedy O’Hara

Stepping out of her comfort zone is just one of many reasons why Neuroscience major and Italian minor Kennedy O’Hara ‘21 wanted to study abroad this spring at Assumption’s Rome campus. “I wanted to experience first-hand the interesting Roman culture and put into practice all that I have learned about this country since freshman year,” Kennedy said. One challenge that Kennedy has found is communicating fluently with the locals, but she is working to overcome that through the intensive Italian program that is offered at the Rome campus. Her most memorable experience thus far has been seeing the Pope at the Vespers service. “To be raised Catholic and have a chance to stand arms length from Pope Francis is something that still seems so surreal.”

Assumption’s Study Abroad Programs

Assumption’s Rome Campus