<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)
Oct 29, 2019
<<<<<<< HEAD
Gabriel Barbosa '21
Dmitriy Ivanov
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)

Travel Tuesday: Nicholas Macchione ’22

Nick Macchione ’22, a history major with a minor in music is spending his fall semester studying abroad at Assumption’s Rome campus. “I was drawn to Italy for its rich history as well as the opportunity to be immersed in a new culture and way of living.” Nick has adopted the famous phrase, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” and has challenged himself to go beyond his comfort zone to try new things and get the most out of his experience. Nicholas’ favorite part of his abroad experience has been visiting Rome’s historical locations and finding smaller, “hidden gems” that are less crowded than the better-known areas. Nicholas put his passion for music as well as other aspects of his life on hold to take this trip, but hasn’t regretted a second of it. “Although it can be daunting to consider leaving what you know behind, the adventure of being abroad is so rewarding that it is worth taking the leap of faith.” 

Assumption Rome