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Oct 15, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Travel Tuesday: Erin Drumm ’21

Erin Drumm ’21, a double major in Environmental Science and Spanish & Italian is currently spending her fall semester in Costa Rica. For Erin, Costa Rica is a perfect place to study abroad for her majors, as she can explore the rainforests and volcanoes that she learns about in the classroom and perfect the Spanish language. My favorite part of my abroad experience is having the opportunity to travel through Costa Rica and to see all of the natural beauty and culture that the country has to offer. Being abroad has improved my Spanish beyond what I thought was possible”. Being immersed in the language on her own was challenging, however, she adjusted quickly to speaking Spanish every day and even made lasting friendships at the university. “If I could give any advice to someone contemplating going abroad, I’d say they should 100% do it. It is scary to leave home for somewhere so far away, but it is so worth it, going abroad has easily been the best time of my life.”

Study Abroad