<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)
Apr 17, 2019
<<<<<<< HEAD
Katelynn Rosa
Dmitriy Ivanov
>>>>>>> bdab8c9 (Initial commit on new local)

Hound of the Week: Bryce Thomas ’20

Congratulations to our next hound of the week, Bryce Thomas ‘20! Bryce is an English major and Psychology minor from Sandwich, MA. She participates in Intramural Battleship, Merely Players, and Residential Life as the HRA of Alumni/Desault Hall. In her spare time, she teaches her residents how to play guitar and ukulele. “ My passion is my music. I am a singer and play guitar, ukulele, and flute. I have always been interested in music, and have had the ability to work on music throughout my time at Assumption. This year, I have decided to take on teaching guitar within the residence hall that I am the RA in. I have worked with students who have had a beginners knowledge of guitar and ukulele, but I have also worked with students who have never picked up a guitar or ukulele, and simply wanted to learn. It’s so exciting for me to be able to see how far they have come in the past 7-8 months. In turn, teaching them has made me want to try even harder to get better on the different instruments I play! I am extremely grateful for this, as well as the many amazing opportunities that I have had with music at Assumption.” 

Bryce was able to develop her passion at Assumption and thinks that her time studying here has had a huge impact on her life. “Through Residential life, and other experiences, I was able to learn about what a vocation is, as well as what my own calling life was. Originally, I wanted to be a high school English teacher, but through things such as Foundation Friday, my residents in Alumni/Desautel, and conversations with many other students and friends on campus, I found that my calling was actually to become a music therapist. For me, music is something that is extremely healing, and the more I looked around, the more I was able to see how healing it was for everyone around me. I want to help people in my life, and channel it through my passion of music.”