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Apr 03, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Hound of the Week: Daniel DeLuca ’20

Congratulations to our Hound of the Week, Daniel DeLuca ‘20! A biology major preparing for physical therapy graduate school from Riverside, RI, Daniel partakes in a variety of leadership opportunities on campus. Some of Daniel’s positions include being a student leader for Athlete’s Intervarsity and hosting Bible studies on Friday nights. Daniel is also a track and field athlete and is a carpool driver for Journey Church on Sundays. “I love the community at Assumption and cannot imagine not being involved with clubs and activities on campus. My faith is a major reason why I try to be so involved on campus. It compels me to get to know as many people as I can with the knowledge that God created us to be in community with each other. I also just love the people at Assumption.

There’s something about the tight-knit community and overall friendliness of the people at this school that compels me to want to do more with everyone here.” Daniel is passionate about everything he’s involved in, but he regards his faith as being something that outweighs anything else. “It is something that I have been passionate about since I was a kid, but has really grown while I have been here at Assumption. Regardless of the amount of homework, studying, exams, papers, meetings, and overall work I have had, I have found tremendous peace in the understanding that God has a plan for me that is better than something I could imagine on my own.”