Nov 21, 2019
Office of Communications

Assumption’s Commitment to Service: The Impact on the Neighboring Community

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Assumption has released its annual Community Benefits Report (CBR), Stronger Together for Worcester, a collection of stories and information that shares the institution’s meaningful contributions to the Worcester community, nearly 175,000 hours last year.

“Regardless of a student’s chosen major at Assumption, inextricably weaved throughout all academic disciplines—and many co-curricular programs—is the importance of engagement with one’s community,” said Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D., president of Assumption. “Our commitment to community is a hallmark of our mission that calls for forming individuals who are known for critical intelligence, thoughtful citizenship and compassionate service.” 

The 2018-19 CBR highlights Assumption students’ community service engagement with the community, whether it be free lectures open to the public, art exhibitions or concerts; hosting St. Mary’s High School students for a day of science exploration; reading to students at Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public School; collecting coats for the Worcester Public Schools coat drive; or assisting local organizations like POW! WOW! Worcester, the Interfaith Hospitality Network, and the Worcester District Attorney’s office.  These stories are a small sample of Assumption’s support of the local community—last academic year students performed nearly 175,000 hours in community service and nearly 3,300 students assisted organizations throughout Worcester County in internship or experiential learning positions.

View the 2019-19 CBR