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Nov 14, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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How Does U.S. and China Policy Impact Central Massachusetts?

Assumption will join 75 venues across the United States in hosting an event as part of the 13th annual CHINA Town Hall featuring a webcast panel discussion moderated by leading political commentator George Stephanopoulos at 6 p.m. on Monday, November 18 in Kennedy 112 on the Assumption campus, 500 Salisbury Street. 

According to the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR), the sponsoring organization of the nationwide event, friction between the United States and China in politics, security, and trade affect the global community and influence the lives of every American. To encourage a wider discussion of how average Americans are impacted by policy decisions of both nations, this special nationwide CHINA Town Hall will encourage conversation about key issues, risks and opportunities in the Sino-American relationship. 

ABC News Chief Anchor Stephanopoulos will lead a panel of expert speakers that includes Melanie Hart, senior fellow and director for China policy for the Center for American Progress; Yahseng Huang, Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management and professor of global economics and management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ely Ratner, vice president and director of studies, for the Center for a New American Security; and Stephen Orlins, president of NCUSCR. 

The panel will be followed by a discussion at Assumption relative to the impact that U.S.-China relations have on the local community, its institutions, and the people themselves. Eric Drouart, MBA, professor of practice in management, will facilitate the local conversation at Assumption. 

This is the eighth year Assumption has participated in this national event, which is hosted by the NCUSCR and sponsored locally by Assumption’s Grenon School of Business. Established in 1966, NCUSCR has long been the leading American nonprofit, nonpartisan public affairs organization devoted to building constructive and durable relationships between the United States and Greater China.