Maria Parmley, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Psychology

508-767-7586 Kennedy Memorial Hall - Room 124

Dr. Parmley’s research interests include how we interpret others’ social cues. She has examined how gender stereotypes and the ambiguity of an emotion might influence the perception of an emotional message. She has also examined how culture, intimacy, and hormonal changes can impact the perception of emotional facial expressions. Currently Dr. Parmley is investigating how emotional experiences can impact information processing. Dr. Parmley is a social psychologist.

Education Background

B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst
M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University

Undergraduate Courses Taught

General Psychology

Interpersonal Communication*

Research Methods

Research Seminar*

Social Psychology*


Stereotypes & Prejudice

Women’s Images

*courses that are taught regularly