Marc D. Guerra, Ph.D.

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Professor of Theology

  • B.A., Assumption College
    M.A., Assumption College; Theology
    Ph.D., Ave Maria University; Theology

  • Christians as Political Animals (ISI Books)
    Pope Benedict XVI & the Politics of Modernity (Routledge)
    Liberating Logos (St. Augustine’s Press)
    The Science of Modern Virtue (Cornell University Press)

  • $150,000.00 Grant Award from the University of Chicago’s A New Science of Virtues Project
    Consulting Editor Perspectives on Political Science

  • Augustine’s The City of God
    Catholicism Today
    Revelation: Ancient and Modern
    Theology and the American Founding

  • Member of the University of Chicago’s A New Science of Virtues Project Scholars Network

    Co-director of the Stuck with Virtue Lecture Series

    Consulting Editor for the academic journal Perspectives on Political Science

Office of the Provost