Educational Background:
Doctorate in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technology, University of New Mexico
Masters in Educational Leadership, Wheelock College
Bachelors of Sociology and Education, Assumption College
Professional Background:
Adjunct Faculty MBA Program, Assumption University, 2017-present
Instructor, Life Long Learning Program. Shepherd University 2023-present
Assistant Director Executive Leadership Programs, Customs and Boarder Protection. 2014-2016
Director National Leadership Development and Coaching Programs, US Forest Service, 2008-2014
Courses you teach/have taught:
Corporate Social Responsibility
Managing Diversity
Human and Organizational Development
Organizational Learning
Training and Development
Theories of Distance Learning
Managing Happiness
Leadership Development and Coaching
Areas of Expertise:
- Facilitated learners’ exploration of their life purpose, careers, happiness, and success.
- Selected, and managed 125 internal coaches for senior and mid-level leadership development programs by ensuring training, guidance and oversight was available for all. Served as Supervisor of National Leadership Programs for Manager at US Forest Service.
- Utilized appreciative inquiry method to research and analyze online line learning best practices. Authored dissertation “An Appreciative Paradigm of Online Learning for Persistence and Retention” at University of New Mexico, Organizational Learning and Instructional Technology Program. Presented juried papers for NM Mentoring Institute.
- Served Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Department of Dept. Homeland Services as Assistant Director of Executive leadership development by designing a national mentoring program for 62.000 federal CBP employees and offering SES training programs.
- Certified BCC Executive & Life Coach and Facilitator for Happy for No Reason course.
Research areas and areas of research interest (if applicable): Online Learning, Happiness, Coaching, Leadership Development
Organizations/Associations you are affiliated with: Center for Credentialing Coaches, Stubblefield Institute, Shepherd U. International Coaching Federation, Life Long Learning, Shepherd U.