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Feb 07, 2024
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Olivia Boudreau
Olivia Boudreau
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President Greg Weiner Hosts First Alumni Town Hall

To kick off what will become a series of Alumni Town Halls, President Greg Weiner hosted the first Assumption Alumni Town Hall on January 31. The event was held both in-person and virtually, via Zoom, and gave alumni the chance to ask any questions they had about the University and its future. 

“This is a very exciting time in the life of Assumption University for two key reasons,” said Weiner. “One is what’s changing, and two is what will never change…the most important thing is that we know who we are, and we believe in who we are and what we do.” 

Weiner began the Town Hall by discussing the foreseeable future of the University and the finalization of AU Thrive, the University’s new strategic plan. The emphasis for the next ten years concerns the growth of the University and to ensure that both the University and its surrounding community are thriving. 

Another major focus of AU Thrive is to increase the accessibility of the Catholic liberal education that is offered at Assumption. 

“Catholic liberal education, precisely because it speaks to the permanent and enduring questions of the human experience, is always going to have relevance,” said Weiner. “If this kind of education speaks to you, and you are qualified and capable of academic success, you deserve access to it. I object to the idea that access to this kind of education should be doled out on class or economic lines.” 

Questions were taken from both the in-person and virtual audiences of alumni, and covered a myriad of topics. One alum asked President Weiner to comment specifically on how the University was doing financially, which led to a discussion about enrollment. Weiner noted how the University, like many others, had a dip in enrollment during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, but has since seen enrollment numbers that are  “resurgent.” Weiner attributes this to many things, including Vice President for Enrollment Management Bill Boffi and the enrollment management team, the enthusiasm of students, and how the type of education Assumption offers speaks to human beings. On top of this, as of January 2024, during this application cycle, applications are up 26 percent. 

Other questions taken from the audience ranged from discussions of the continuous impact of ministry on the University’s mission, diversity on campus, and plans for student success and retention going forward.

“Our institutional commitment is to treat every individual with the dignity and acceptance they deserve as having been made in the image of God,” said Weiner. “We are welcoming of any student who wants to pursue truth in the company of friends; they have a home on this campus.” 

One of the most important messages emphasized during the town hall was that alumni are the best ambassadors for Assumption, and that speaking about how valuable their Assumption educations have been and continue to be in their lives and careers is the best way for students to learn about the value of the Assumption experience.

“We want to make sure we are thriving in every sense…financial sense, students who are thriving, colleagues who are thriving, members of our community that are thriving,” said Weiner. “We are already on that path, thanks to all of you.”
For Assumption University Alumni who have any further questions for President Weiner or the University Advancement staff, please contact alumni@assumption.edu.