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Aug 01, 2023
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David Pepin
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Members of the Class of 2023 Recognized for Exceptional Leadership and Service with Prestigious Crown & Shield Award

In recognition of their commitment to service, 21 members of the Class of 2023 have been awarded the prestigious Crown & Shield Award, which honors students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and participated in service during their four years at Assumption. The crown and shield are two key elements of the Assumption University seal, and the award recognizes graduating seniors who have protected (shield) and furthered (crown) the interest of the student body and the University community.

“Crown and Shield recipients are the students who have exemplified the mission of Assumption University during their time on campus,” said Laura Peña Pantano, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Affairs. “These students help to plan events, serve as ambassadors for Admissions and Orientation, build community in the residence halls, represent the student voice in SGA, tutor and support their peers, compete athletically, spread the mission of the University through Campus Ministry and much more. We are deeply grateful to our students for the role they play in creating a culture of service and for helping us build a strong community that inspires the students who will follow.”

Assumption has recognized seniors with the Crown & Shield Award since 1952. The recipients were honored with their families and University administrators and trustees at an awards dinner on May 5, the Friday before their Commencement at the DCU Center in downtown Worcester.

The following is a list of this year’s Crown & Shield recipients.

Johenny Bisono Martinez of Reading, Pennsylvania graduated with dual majors in International Business and Business Management, and minors in French and Informational Technology.
Leadership highlights: RA; Student Supervisor, d’Alzon Library; Mentor Collective – Mentor; Habitat for Humanity Volunteer.
In December, Johenny will begin working as a Sourcing Recruiter for Amazon.

Alexander Boligan of Thompson, Connecticut graduated with a major in Marketing and a minor in Information Technology.
Leadership highlights: RA and Head RA; Cast member, student-produced Godspell musical; Music Ministry Student Leader and Cantor; START Retreat Rector; SEND trip to Camden, NJ.
Alex plans to pursue an MBA in marketing at Assumption while working as a graduate assistant in Campus Ministry, in addition to  working at Webster First Federal Credit Union in their marketing department. Alex is recently engaged to a fellow Hound and is looking forward to getting married in 2024.

Shadda Cliche of Brattleboro, Vermont graduated with a major in Biology and a minor in Human Services & Rehabilitation Studies.
Leadership highlights: President and Treasurer, ALANA Network; BSU Member; Member, Women Interested in Networking Gathering & Solidarty (WINGS); Neuroscience Club Vice President; National Society of Leadership and Success.
Shadda plans to further her studies in graduate school and become a Certified Nurse Midwife.

Robert Davis of Leominster, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Marketing with a Digital Marketing concentration,and a minor in Graphic Design.
Leadership highlights:Class of 2023 Senator; SGA Event Planning Committee;Orientation Leader, and Parent and Family Chairperson; Graphic Design Intern for the Plourde Recreation Center.
Bobby plans to seek employment in the field of Marketing, and he also hopes to travel.

Taylor DeGeorge of Feeding Hills, Massachusetts graduated with majors in Elementary Education and Mathematics, with a STEM concentration.
Leadership highlights: Women’s Lacrosse Team Peer Mentor, Recruit Representative and Captain; Co-President of Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC); Math Tutor in Academic Support Center; SOPHIA Collegian; Augustine Scholar.
Taylor plans to pursue her master’s degree in special education and begin teaching in an elementary school.

Markkie Fleming of Worcester, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Biology with concentration in Neuroscience & Behavior,and a minor in Psychology.
Leadership highlights: Orientation Leader and COMPASS Facilitator; RA; Mentor Collective Mentor; Neuroscience Club Secretary; Campus Activities Board Student Leader;  Assumption University Bridge Program Student Leader; and served as a Nutrition Specialist for the DCU Covid Triage Center during the pandemic.
Markkie hopes to attend Johns Hopkins University as a graduate student in their Master of Science in Individualized Genomics and Health program; Upon completion of a graduate program, she then hopes to attend medical school to become a surgeon and specialize in emergency and trauma care.

Mary Gillette of Waterbury, Connecticut graduated with dual majors in Accounting and Data Analytics, and minors in Fraud Exam & Forensic Accounting, and Information Techology.
Leadership highlights: Admissions Ambassador; Academic Support Center Head Tutor –  four academic disciplines; SGA Senator; SOPHIA Collegian; Orientation Leader; Campus Activities Board Marketing Executive; Completed 300 community service hours this year as a Jump Start Team Leader & Volunteer.
Mary plans to work for Ernst and Young in their Assurance Department located in Hartford, CT.

Connor Howells of Medfield, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Graphic Design and a minor in Music.
Leadership highlights: Orientation Leader; SGA Senator and Class of 2023 Vice President; Campus Recreation Graphic Design Intern and Intramural Official; Music Contributor for Agape Latte.
Connor plans to pursue a master’s in management at Assumption University while living on campus and working as residential assistant.

Kelly Knutelski of Oxford, Massachusetts graduated with a major in English and a minor in Women’s Studies.
Leadership highlights: RA; Academic Support Center Tutor; Orientation Leader and Head Chairperson; Campus Activities Board Spring Weekend Executive; Habitat for Humanity Vice President and Secretary; MUSE Literary Magazine Writer; SEND trip to Baltimore, MD;
Reach Out Center Volunteer; Augustine Scholar; D’Alzon Scholar.

Kelly plans to pursue a career in Higher Education and work toward publishing some of her writing.

Morgan Maddock of Scarborough, Maine graduated with majors in Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies, and English, Writing and Mass Communication with concentration in Media Production, and a minor in Community Service.
Leadership highlights:Dance Team Captain; Orientation Leader and Student Chairperson; Campus Activities Board Spring Concert Committee; Co-Director, AUTV; Volunteer at African Community Education, Worcester.
Morgan plans to pursue her master’s in the Assumption University School Counseling Program while continuing her role as the captain of the Assumption Dance Team.

Gerald Martin of Springfield, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Political Science, and minors in Law, Ethics & Constitutional Studies; Law and Economics; History; and Philosophy.
Leadership highlights: President of AU Democrats and Progressives Club; SGA Senator; Student Chair, Political Science Faculty Roundtable; Student Representative to Sodexo Services Committee; Admissions Ambassador.
Gerry’s post-graduation plan is to run for City Council in Springfield Massachusetts. He says, “I love my city with all my heart, and I plan to use the wisdom I have learned in Political Science to make my city a better place.”

Sarah Masciarelli of Westborough, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Nursing and a minor in Biology.
Leadership highlights: Member of the 2023 Inaugural Graduating Class in Nursing; Treasurer, Assumption Student Nurse’s Association; Take Back the Night Volunteer; Student Representative, Nursing Faculty Assembly Committee; Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society; National Student Nurses Association Honors Society.
Sarah plans to continue the interview process to secure a position as a Registered Nurse.

Caroline McDonough of Westwood, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Communication and Media, and a minor in Sports Management.
Leadership highlights: Campus Activities Board Executive and Concert Chair; Women’s Ice Hockey Captain;
Orientation Leader Executive and COMPASS Facilitator; Assumption Media Center Intern.

In August, Caroline will begin interning for the Walt Disney Company while pursuing her MBA part time at Assumption University.

Katheen Moran of Cheshire, Connecticut graduated with a major in Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies, and minors in Education and Community Service Learning.
Leadership highlights: President, Assumption Best Buddies Chapter; Global Ambassador, Best Buddies International; President and Vice President, Assumption Pinky Swear Pack; Special Olympics Club Captain and Volunteer;  Light the Way Scholar and successful Certificate Recipient.
Kathleen plans to attend the University of St Joseph’s in West Hartford, CT, where she will study for her master’s in special education grades K-12, while working full-time as a co-teacher at The Gengras Center School.

Erin Moynihan of Brookline, New Hampshire graduated with a major in Marketing, with concentration in Digital Marketing.
Leadership highlights: Campus Activities Board President and Marketing Exectuve; Assumption Yearbook photography contributor; RA and Head RA; Orientation Leader.
Erin will work as a videographer this summer in Maine, building an extensive portfolio to eventually help start her own freelance videography business. Additionally, she hopes to travel for a year before committing to a full-time marketing job specializing in either Social Media or Digital Marketing.

Anna Mullen of Milton, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Psychology with concentration in Mental Health and Pre-Clinical Counseling, and a minor in Criminology.
Leadership highlights: Compass Orientation Leader; Head Tutor in the Academic Support Center; President, Assumption chapter of Active Minds; Director of Socia Media and Youth Board Co-Director for  Yellow Tulip Project; Studied Abroad at Assumption University Rome Campus.
In the Fall, Anna will attend Merrimack College to pursue a Master of Education in School Counseling. Additionally, she was awarded a Presidential Fellowship and will work as an Academic Coach in Merrimack’s Academic Success Center.

Thomas Ross of Patterson, New York graduated with a major in Political Science and History.
Leadership highlights: SGA Senator and Class of 2023 President; Chairman of the SGA Ethics Board Chair;Presidential Task Force on Campus Sutainability; Founder and Chair, SGA Eco-Action Committee.
Tom plans to take a gap year and then pursue a graduate degree in either law or history.

Patrick Sedgwick of Georgetown, Massachusetts graduated with a major in Accounting, and minors in Management and Finance.
Leadership highlights: SGA Senator; SGA Chair of Student and Campus Services Committee; Marketing Intern for the Career Development and Internship Center; Created and led a successful proposal for institution of a pub on the Assumption University campus; D’Alzon Scholar.
Patrick will be working full-time for PKF O’Connor Davies, an accounting firm. He also plans to pursue his MBA part-time at Assumption University.

Andrew Sneeringer of Lowell, Massachusetts graduated with dual majors in Sociology, Criminology and Music.
Leadership highlights: RA; Community Standards Intern; Policy Review Committee; Vocal Scholar; Music Ministry: Chorale, VOCE, Hound Sound & Jazz Combo Band; Sociology & Criminology Club Vice President; Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society.
Andy hopes to find a position at a local college or university as a Resident Director. He also hopes to travel out of the country and explore places such as Norway, Vietnam, and more.

Abbigail Sullivan of Andover, Minnesota graduated with dual majors in Business Management and Political Science, and a minor in Law, Ethics & Constitutional Studies.
Leadership highlights: RA and Head RA; Residence Hall Council President; Admissions Ambassador; Orientation Leader;  Mentor Collective – Mentor; Campus Ministry Retreat Program Student Leader and Member; SEARCH Team Member; Campus Ministry Student Leader Team Liasion to SGA; Pennsylvania SEND trip Participant; Daniel Patrick Moynihan Model Senate Member and Scholar; SOPHIA Collegian; Light The Way Scholar.
Abbi will return home to Minnesota to study for the Law School Admissions Test and work full time while applying to law school programs.

Claire Tan of the Philippines graduated with a major in Communication and Media Production.
Leadership highlights: Admissions Ambassador; Mentor Collective – Mentor; Integrated Marketing Department Intern; Peer Ministry Co-Leader; Campus Ministry Student Leader; SEARCH Retreat Leader.
After returning to the Philippines for a visit this summer, Claire will move back to the US to pursue a marketing related career. She is recently engaged to a fellow Hound and is looking forward to getting married in 2024.