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Sep 28, 2020
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Dmitriy Ivanov
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Assumption Students to Represent University on Worcester International Council

Sophia Sawtelle ’21 and Charles Zambito ’22 have been appointed to represent Assumption University as members of the Worcester World Affairs Council (WWAC), a local nonprofit that seeks to “educate, inspire, and engage its members in international affairs.”

The Council, which is comprised of civic leaders, academics, professionals, and business people, hosts monthly meetings from September through June to help its members gain an understanding of international and global issues that are facing our world today. Each meeting features a speaker who explores an important international issue and invites discussion among WWAC members through a question and answers session. This year, events will be held virtually, via Zoom. 
A special feature of the Student Membership program, which includes students from many of the colleges and universities in Worcester, is the opportunity for students to have a separate and informal discussion with the speaker just before the main event.  

“Engaging in the monthly lectures presented by the WWAC is an opportunity for our students to network with distinguished professionals in Worcester, and to learn more about the issues facing the world in which we live,” said Eloise Knowlton, Ph.D., associate vice president for academic affairs. “The WWAC events, and the rich discussions they offer, allow students to expand and supplement their knowledge outside of what they learn in the classroom while learning to welcome and consider the views from others in a number of different, globally focused fields.”

Zambito is a history major with a minor in political science from Norwood. Sawtelle is a global studies major from Haverhill. They were chosen to represent Assumption on the WWAC based on, academic excellence, faculty recommendations, and a demonstrated interest in international relations. 

According to WWCA, the Massachusetts-chartered nonprofit was formed in 1958 organization is one of more than 90 similar councils across the United States affiliated with the World Affairs Councils of America. Learn more by visiting www.worldworcester.org.