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Jan 03, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Assumption Student Organization Recognized with Prestigious National Award

Assumption has announced that one of its student organizations—whose purpose is to educate, pray, advocate and act on issues related to the dignity of human life at all stages—was awarded a prestigious award recognizing their steadfast efforts to foster a campus climate that respects the sanctity of life. The award includes $1,000 to enhance their outreach efforts.

The student club, Advocates for Life, was awarded the Rev. Thomas King, S.J. Award from the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life. The group meets each week when school is in session to plan efforts that educate the campus community on pro-life matters.  In collaboration with Assumption’s Office of Campus Ministry, Advocates for Life co-sponsors a number of on and off campus efforts to educate the community about life issues and provide for those in need.

“Advocates for Life strives to educate the students of Assumption on the dignity of human life and to advocate for the most vulnerable,” said Mary Boulton ’17, former publicity officer for the club. “Members wish to prudently and lovingly share the message of the preciousness of life. The award is a testament to the efforts of every current and graduated member of Advocates for Life. Their passion to advocate for the most vulnerable is what makes an impact.”

Some of the efforts recognized by the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life include: participation in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.; a collection effort of newborn needs for a crisis pregnancy center; peaceful prayer vigils outside abortion clinics; coordination of Respect Life Week; writing letters of support to pro-life leaders in the Worcester area and women in crisis pregnancies; and raising financial resources for Visitation House, a home for women facing crisis pregnancies in Worcester.

“It was such a wonderful experience to attend the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life with countless other students from across the country and to receive the Rev. Thomas King, S.J. Award,” said Amber Kelley ’17, club treasurer. “Our interactions with other young, pro-life Americans renewed our dedication to the cause of life, and we are delighted to further invest in this cause with the help of the Rev. Thomas King, S.J. Award. We hope to us a portion of this award to fund our upcoming educational initiative, Respect Life Week. During this week, we promote awareness of various life issues such as abortion, sexual assault, refugee crises, and homelessness.”

“The Assumption Advocates for Life Club is very thankful for this award,” said John McBride ’18, president of the club. “It will help fund our Respect Life week as well as help us pay for our annual trip to the March for Life. We hope to continue to raise awareness of life issues from conception to natural death and hope to help the greater Worcester community.”

“I am always proud of the efforts of the students involved in Advocates,” said Christopher Klofft, associate professor of theology and the club’s advisor. “I have been personally inspired by their passion and their commitment, and the recognition for their efforts is well-deserved.  I know that they will continue to offer an outstanding witness to the inestimable value of life to the wider culture.  The simple fact that I get to work with them in these efforts has been a gift to me.”

According to the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life, the award was established in 2006 to recognize and reward outstanding collegiate pro-life groups. In 2010 the award was renamed in honor of Rev. Thomas King, S.J. Father King was a priest who taught at Georgetown University who was, according to the University, “an avid advocate of the sanctity of human life from conception through natural death.” The president of the University Faculty for Life, Fr. King passed in 2009, “having provided a brilliant witness to human life over the course of his long life.”

Assumption’s pro-life student organization joins a number of other respected institutions of higher learning with active pro-life organizations recognized with this award. They include: Fordham University, Marquette University, St. Louis University, University of Michigan, University of New Hampshire, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Villanova University and Yale University.