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Jun 03, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Assumption Names New School of Business in Honor of Prep Graduate and Successful Entrepreneur David Grenon

Assumption announced that in recognition of his successful career and dedication to the mission of the institution, its new School of Business will be named for 1957 Assumption Prep graduate David Grenon. The Grenon family has made a seven-figure gift, the second largest gift made to the current Capital Campaign, in support of the School of Business, to be named the Grenon School of Business, in recognition of Assumption’s emphasis on ethics in the curriculum of its business studies program. The generous Grenon family gift is the first Assumption has received in support of one of its five new schools.

“Through a process of restructuring into different schools, Assumption is positioning itself for continued success as it forms well-educated business leaders who are provided a foundation of ethical business practices,” said Grenon. “There is tremendous optimism regarding the future of Assumption, in particular its School of Business, however I am most impressed by the planned collaboration between the five different schools that will impart upon students a lifetime of sustainable values that will support their personal and professional ambitions.”

“Business studies students graduate from Assumption not only job-ready, but also as well rounded and socially responsible educated business leaders,” added Grenon. “Through this new school, I am hopeful that all students are provided greater opportunities to benefit from an education that first teaches the value of ethical business practices as future leaders are prepared for a successful and rewarding career.”

“The Grenon family, in particular, David, is renown throughout Central Massachusetts for their generosity and commitment to empowering local businesses,” said Assumption President Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D. “A cornerstone of Assumption’s business studies program is forming students who are entrepreneurial and committed to ethical business practices. As the institution begins the transition to five separate schools of study, we are grateful to the Grenon family for their generous donation and recognition of the value of maintaining the centrality of the liberal arts in all of our academic programs, especially business studies, along with infusing ethics into all aspects of our academic programs.”

Grenon and his wife, Rosalie, enjoy a long history of support for Assumption and the former Assumption Prep. In recognition of his extensive service in support of Assumption, he was named an honorary alumnus in 1975. Grenon was awarded an honorary degree in 1986, served as a trustee from 1974 to 1985 and holds the title of honorary trustee. From 2002 to 2006, Grenon served as chair of the College’s successful Centennial Campaign that raised $33 million – exceeding a goal of $30 million — in support of institutional efforts to construct the Testa Science Center, the Multi-sport Stadium and grow endowment resources for financial aid. The Grenons are members of the President’s Council, a leadership giving society of alumni and friends of the College.

Grenon made a generous donation in the name of his father-in-law, H. Louis Rocheleau ‘24, in support of the baseball field on campus, Rocheleau Field. Recently, Grenon donated funds for a stock ticker that provides up-to-the-minute stock quotes, enhances the visibility of the business studies curriculum on campus and provides students tools they will rely upon following graduation.

Following his graduation from Villanova University with a degree in economics, Grenon returned to Worcester to embark upon a distinguished and successful career in business. He founded and served as president of The Protector Group Insurance Agency, Inc. (now Marsh & McLennan Agency) from 1980 to 1995. Following the acquisition of other agencies and years of steady leadership, Grenon sold the company to its employees in 1994. 

He currently serves on the advisory board of Villanova University’s Center for Church Management, which he has supported financially. Grenon’s selfless service to his community is also demonstrated by his past service as a board chair, trustee or director for several organizations and nonprofits such as Commerce Group Insurance; Fallon Community Health Plan;  First Safety Fund Bank;  Greater Worcester Community Foundation;  Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives; Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Employees’ Retirement System; Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Massachusetts; St. Francis Home;  The United Way of Central Massachusetts; Worcester Academy; and Worcester Chamber of Commerce. He was also an American name and underwriter of Lloyd’s of London.

The Grenons have five children, Nannette Henderson, Gerri Grenon-Lorusso ‘86, Laura Williams, J. Michael, and V. Raymond. 

“Through this gift, our family seeks to enhance the liberal arts education afforded to Assumption students that is distinct to the business studies program,” added Grenon. “The new School of Business will strengthen the institution’s efforts to support innovation resulting in new academic programs that will prepare Assumption graduates for the ever-evolving business world.”

During their February 2019 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved a recommendation to establish five schools at Assumption: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, the School of Nursing, the School of Health Professions, and the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.