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Sep 04, 2020
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Assumption to Celebrate University Status with Mass and Unveiling of New Sign, Alma Mater

Assumption invites the community to virtually participate in the formal celebration of the transition to Assumption University and the start of the new academic year on Sunday, September 6.  

The celebration will begin with the Mass of the Holy Spirit, which will be presided by the Very Reverend Dennis Gallagher, A.A., Assumptionist Provincial Superior for the North American Province, at 11:30 a.m. and will be livestreamed from the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. 

The Mass will be immediately followed by a video, “Assumption: Ever Ancient, Ever New,” documenting pivotal moments in the history of the institution. After the video, a blessing and the unveiling of the new University sign at the front entrance will take place, followed by the debut of the University Alma Mater, performed by the Assumption University Chorale, and virtual greetings from community members from throughout the country and abroad.

The Mass of the Holy Spirt as well as the Assumption University celebration events will be livestreamed from campus, and can be viewed on the website, assumption.edu/MassoftheHolySpirit or on the Assumption University app.