Chessy Prout | Film Presentation and Q&A

Author and survivor Chessy Prout, “I HAVE THE RIGHT TO,” will present a short film, keynote speech, and Q&A session on her experience surviving a sexual assault and her commitment to advocating for the rights of survivors.
BIO: Chessy Prout is a high school sexual assault survivor. Raised in Japan, Chessy matriculated to St. Paul’s School—a boarding school in New Hampshire that her father and sister attended. There, as a freshman, Chessy was the victim of a sexual assault. Chessy’s case and eventual trial garnered national and international media attention, as her assault was part of a ritual competition at the school called the “Senior Salute.” Two years later, in Chessy’s pursuit for justice, she decided to step forward publicly in August 2016 and launched the #IHaveTheRightTo initiative. In 2017, Chessy cofounded I Have The Right To Org., a national non-profit in Washington, DC, dedicated to raising awareness of sexual assault in high schools and colleges. She has traveled around the country and internationally, sharing her story, and encouraging survivors to know and assert their rights under Title IX and state law.
Lecture followed by a reception and book signing in La Maison Foyer. Sponsored by the Office of General Counsel