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Nov 13, 2019
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Office of Communications
Dmitriy Ivanov
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Hound of the Week: Olivia Burke ’20

Congratulations to our next Hound of the Week, Olivia Burke ’20! A history major from Harwich MA, Olivia chose Assumption because of the ability to make close connections with peers and professors and the welcoming student body. On campus, Olivia is involved in the honors program, captain of the Equestrian Team, a member of the ultimate frisbee team, works in the admissions office, and studied abroad at Assumption’s Rome campus in the Spring of 2018.

“It is important to get involved on campus because not only does it help you get to know people, but it will challenge you academically, socially or athletically to be better. I am passionate about history and it’s implications for everyone. History is not a “far off” study that is irrelevant: history emphasizes everything that we are today, such as how we got here as a nation and culture, and what it means to be American. These questions that can be asked relate directly to the assumption education because it is not only focused on getting prepared for a job, it is about studying to become a whole person with passions, drive, vocation and a purpose in life.”